Bekijk de volledige versie : wireless problem

05-09-2006, 21:51
so all its ok with WL-500gP but the big problem is wireless with my laptop,after 5 - 10 minutes wireless not conect to internet for 2-3 minutes ,problem is only with wireless.

06-09-2006, 05:22
How far from the router are you?

06-09-2006, 11:56
no above 10 meter.

06-09-2006, 15:51
Obstructions in those 10 mtr?

Try to find out if the laptop and/or the router has powermanagement enabled. Disable it and see if things go better.

06-09-2006, 16:53
Obstructions in those 10 mtr?

Try to find out if the laptop and/or the router has powermanagement enabled. Disable it and see if things go better.

have asus power management?
where is it?

07-09-2006, 22:25
Not in the webGUI. According to the Broadcom guide (http://www.devicescape.com/docs/uwp/package_guide/pkg_broadcom-wl.php) you need to use the commandline.

Type in: http://my.router/Main_AdmStatus_Content.asp

Then use the command:

'wl PM' (without quotes) to see what mode is active. Press refresh to execute (not enter)

driver power management mode:

* 0 - CAM (constantly awake)
* 1 - PS (power-save)
* 2 - FAST PS mode

To set a mode type:

wl PM [mode number]

08-09-2006, 05:26
I get: "Not STA". What does this mean?

08-09-2006, 08:07
Get that too. Maybe it means something like "not a client station". But don't know how that relates to powermanagement. I can only imagine that in order to work you need a Asus client.

Maybe Oleg and friends can help out here...?