Bekijk de volledige versie : HD spin off

06-06-2006, 19:50
i bought an asus wl500gp and i'm using it with a wd essential HD .
Looking in the NSLU2 forum ( http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/FAQ/SpinDownUSBHarddisks ) seems as wd essential hd has automatic spin-off ( on windows it spin-off ) .
The asus seems to access on hd also when there is not activity so the hd it's working 24/24 hours .
Is there a possibly solution for that?

Thanks in advantage for answers and solutions.

Best regards.

25-06-2006, 13:45
You should check any information on WD website, maybe there you will find some solutions how to disable spin-off

27-06-2006, 08:18
There is a package named "hdparm".

But I don't know if it works.