Bekijk de volledige versie : I2C bus on WL-500gx - where to find?

16-02-2006, 22:23
Hi, all!

Two years ago I have completed a project, that connects an HD44780 LCD to PC via I2C bus. Software was written for Windows and FreeBSD. Today I have purchased WL-500gx and I wish to implement my project for this beast. Howewer, I do not know how to connect to I2C bus. Where can I solder two wires to get SDA and SCL lines? Is there any I2C driver? How can I talk to I2C bus on this platform?

Thank you!

23-03-2006, 20:21
Howewer, I do not know how to connect to I2C bus. Where can I solder two wires to get SDA and SCL lines? Is there any I2C driver? How can I talk to I2C bus on this platform?

AFAIK there are three unused port pins on Broadcom CPU. Maybe you can use those? I just don't know how to access them though ...

23-03-2006, 20:25
Hi, all!

Two years ago I have completed a project, that connects an HD44780 LCD to PC via I2C bus. Software was written for Windows and FreeBSD. Today I have purchased WL-500gx and I wish to implement my project for this beast. Howewer, I do not know how to connect to I2C bus. Where can I solder two wires to get SDA and SCL lines? Is there any I2C driver? How can I talk to I2C bus on this platform?

Thank you!
The cpu does not have i2c controller, but it has unused gpio lines, which are wired to header. Check internals.

28-03-2006, 10:55
Thank you for answers,

I already have ported i2c-gpio kernel driver from OpenWRT. Module successfully loads, creates appropriate devices on /dev fs, but it does not see any i2c devices. I need to check all signal timings -- it's a question of time.

03-05-2006, 08:01
Great idea! Have you any progress?