Bekijk de volledige versie : sqlite problem

18-01-2006, 08:30

i get installed OpenWrt RC4 + lighttpd + php5 + sqlite2 installed on my Asus WL-HDD.

When using sqlite with php as follows:

// open the database - will create it if it doesn't
// exist.
$db = sqlite_open("example.db") or
die("failed to open/create the database");

First hitting this page i get following message:

Warning: sqlite_open() [function.sqlite-open]: disk I/O error in /tmp/root/www/b.php on line 4

On succesive requests on this page the message is:

Warning: sqlite_open() [function.sqlite-open]: file is encrypted or is not a database in /tmp/root/www/b.php on line 4

The example.db get created after the first hit with size 0 and there is rw access.

Any hint ? Thank you.