Bekijk de volledige versie : HELP Required: USB 2.0 Hard drive not recognized

06-05-2004, 11:55
I have attached the USB drive to the router powered up then checked the log. No mention of any Hard Drives :confused:

I used the system interace to try a manual mount but only got this back:

/dev/root on / type cramfs (ro)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
/ramfs on /mnt/ramfs type ramfs (rw)

I have OLEG's CR2.1 loaded.

An ideas?

06-05-2004, 13:03
ok try to execute this command from the telnet interface:

grep ^P /proc/bus/usb/devices

and paste the result here

also mention the brand and modelnumbers of your usb device (as much as possible)

06-05-2004, 13:57
ok try to execute this command from the telnet interface:

grep ^P /proc/bus/usb/devices

and paste the result here

also mention the brand and modelnumbers of your usb device (as much as possible)
Also, if use "cr2.1" frimware you will need to execute

mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb for above command to work.
Also, it's will be very handy if you post system logs here.

06-05-2004, 14:23
:o It works fine now. It appears I must restart the external drive each time I re-start my router

Sorry guys!!!

Incidentaly, thanks for this site and to oleg. I got my router @ 9:30 am and I'm already using a custom firmware :cool:

06-05-2004, 16:21
nice, you could add it as an bootCmdX in the nvram (use the search for the use of it)