Bekijk de volledige versie : FW upgrade + pkg Compatibility matrix

12-11-2013, 19:09

May somebody make a sum up of upgrade/compatibilities paths for FW and SW, please? :)

Reason: i am using wl500gp with
- Oleg with pre 10 + ipkg
- upgrade to Oleg -> OK (just need to reload flashfs to make ipkg apps up)
- then upgrade to -> Partially Nok : the ipkg apps are not all up, manual/script lunch of lighttpd, cherokee, or thttpd give

Bus error
-> update: Ok, after a reboot, i do not get this issue... strange what so ever.

Do we need to switch to opkg with d or rtn?
Can we keep our existing applications ?
Can we keep/need ipkg?

Is there an "How To" to upgrade from Oleg to d or rtn, please?


17-11-2013, 15:16

Reason: i am using wl500gp with
- Oleg with pre 10 + ipkg
- upgrade to Oleg -> OK (just need to reload flashfs to make ipkg apps up)
- then upgrade to -> Partially Nok : the ipkg apps are not all up, manual/script lunch of lighttpd, cherokee, or thttpd give
Do we need to switch to opkg with d or rtn?

FW is very old now. Current release version is r5066 ( https://code.google.com/p/wl500g/downloads/list ).

Can we keep our existing applications ?
Can we keep/need ipkg?

Is is possible but only for some applications. There are incompatibilities in libraries like uclibc. You should save application config files and install applications from new repo to pure disk.
Unambiguously it is impossible to combine ipkg and opkg applications.

Is there an "How To" to upgrade from Oleg to d or rtn, please?
See http://code.google.com/p/wl500g-repo/wiki/Using
and automatically translated from Russian: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwl500g.info%2Fshowthread.php%3F2803 6%26langid%3D3