Bekijk de volledige versie : After a long stop of my PPPoE modem, No automatic reconnection

19-05-2005, 19:44

I am a newbie !

I have a problem to reconnect to my provider via the ASUS Router(PPPoE) when I loose ADSL line for more than 10 min :

- Sometimes my modem lost the ADSL line for 1 min, when the line come back, no problem, the Router is reconnecting again to my provider.
- Sometimes the lost of the ADSL line is 30 min, when the line come back, the Router does not reconnect automatically, I have to connect manually !!

If I understand well, the problem comes from the router which try to reconnect only during 10 min !

What to do to have the router trying to reconnect forever ?

Thank you for this forum ;)

04-01-2006, 10:20
I have the Oleg's newest firmware 6b and I have exact the same problem.

I'read read that
"ASUS firmware is trying to connect 10 times with a period between attempts of 30 seconds, so there is already 5 minutes. In the (pre) I've changed 10 to infinity." from Oleg.
I have to set anything to have this options? (Because I think this features is also in version 6b)

And to have a on-demand connection? I've read that:

nvram set wan0_pppoe_demand=1
nvram commit

doesn't work: There is another method?


04-01-2006, 10:26
Put this to the additional pppd options field: "maxfail 0" (without a quotes).

04-01-2006, 10:34
Tonight I'll make it.
Thank you!