Bekijk de volledige versie : blockin access from WAN

03-05-2010, 20:44
when I check system log, i see that some from China is constantly trying to guess my user/pass:

May 3 13:19:28 dropbear[29009]: Child connection from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:31 dropbear[29009]: login attempt for nonexistent user from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:32 dropbear[29009]: exit before auth: Disconnect received
May 3 13:19:32 dropbear[29010]: Child connection from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:35 dropbear[29010]: login attempt for nonexistent user from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:36 dropbear[29010]: exit before auth: Disconnect received
May 3 13:19:36 dropbear[29011]: Child connection from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:40 dropbear[29011]: login attempt for nonexistent user from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:41 dropbear[29011]: exit before auth: Disconnect received
May 3 13:19:47 dropbear[29012]: Child connection from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:50 dropbear[29012]: login attempt for nonexistent user from ::ffff:
May 3 13:19:51 dropbear[29012]: exit before auth: Exited normally

what is the easyest way to deny any access to my router for specific IP (or IP range)?

07-05-2010, 22:57
iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP