Bekijk de volledige versie : Changes not being saved to the flash

18-04-2010, 23:52

I have an ASUS WL500g with Oleg firmware version

I need to make some changes on smb.conf in order access my Samba drive through a Mac OSX client. I need to change "encrypt passwords = no" to "yes" on the "[global]" section.

When I edit smb.conf with vi and do the changes, I can access my drive through my Mac. The problem is that I can't save this changes to the flash to make them permanently and not loose them whenever a reboot is done. After the changes on smb.conf, I do "flashfs save", then "flashfs commit" and then "flashfs enable". I have previously done the "echo /etc/smb.conf >> /usr/local/.files". "flash save" informs that smb.conf as been saved. But everytime I reboot, "encrypt passwords" is always set to "no"...

This is becoming very frustrating. Can someone please give me a help?

Thank you all in advance.


19-04-2010, 07:49
/etc/smb.conf is generated automatically on start up based on the settings in the webUI. So, possible workaround would be: disable samba in webUI, create appropriate smb.conf and start samba from post-mount like this:

/usr/sbin/smbd -D
/usr/sbin/nmbd -D

23-04-2010, 08:12

Customizing samba config

That's very simple. If you need to change /etc/smb.conf only, then you just need to add this file to /usr/local/.files using this command (this command should be executed only once)
echo /etc/smb.conf >> /usr/local/.files
To list the files which is already in the list to be saved type this command
cat /usr/local/.files
Once you've finished editing /etc/smb.conf commit your changes using
# prepare image
flashfs save
# commit it to flash once you've checked, that file size does not exceed 64k
flashfs commit
# if you have not enabled flashfs yet type this as well
flashfs enable

23-04-2010, 11:21
/etc/smb.conf is generated automatically on start up based on the settings in the webUI. So, possible workaround would be: disable samba in webUI, create appropriate smb.conf and start samba from post-mount like this:

/usr/sbin/smbd -D
/usr/sbin/nmbd -D

Thanks, I'm gonna try it


Customizing samba config

That's very simple. If you need to change /etc/smb.conf only, then you just need to add this file to /usr/local/.files using this command (this command should be executed only once)
echo /etc/smb.conf >> /usr/local/.files
To list the files which is already in the list to be saved type this command
cat /usr/local/.files
Once you've finished editing /etc/smb.conf commit your changes using
# prepare image
flashfs save
# commit it to flash once you've checked, that file size does not exceed 64k
flashfs commit
# if you have not enabled flashfs yet type this as well
flashfs enable

Thanks for your help, but that was exactly what I said that doesn't work.
