Bekijk de volledige versie : USB soundcard - volume problem

24-12-2009, 23:56
Hi, I have USB soundcard C-media 7.1 (image (http://www.made-in-china.com/image/2f0j00FBJQCTMhnrqzM/USB-Sound-Card-with-Virtual-7-1CH-C-Media-Chipset-.jpg)) and I have a problem with instalation on Asus WL-500gP. Good instructions are on this page (http://www.equinoxefr.org/post/2008/06/15/bricolage-autour-d%E2%80%99un-routeur-asus-wl500gp-partie-2/), but for OpenWrt :( I can't install packages, which I need (ipkg install kmod-sound-core sox kmod-alsa alsa-utils) - they aren't in Oleg repository. I have install MPD, MPC and Esound. Soundcard play music, but volume is not working. Can anybody help me? Thanks and sorry for my English.

Here is my mpd.conf:

port "6600"
music_directory "/opt/Hudba"
playlist_directory "/opt/Mpd/Playlisty"
db_file "/opt/Mpd/mpddb"
log_file "/opt/Mpd/mpd.log"
error_file "/opt/Mpd/errors.log"
state_file "/opt/Mpd/state"
audio_output {
type "oss"
driver "esd"
name "C-Media"
device "/dev/sound/dsp"
format "48000:16:2"

26-12-2009, 19:45
try to uncomment/add these lines:

mixer_type "oss"
mixer_device "/dev/mixer" #Maybe /dev/sound/mixer ?!
mixer_control "PCM"

what client are you using?

About those packages: kmod-sound-core sox kmod-alsa alsa-utils
They dont exist in oleg but arent needed as well as long as you dont need alsa features.

27-12-2009, 17:53
I try your instructions. Music play, but volume doesn't work. :( I use sound client MPC.

MPD log:

Dec 24 10:51 : avahi: Failed to create client: Daemon not running
Dec 24 10:51 : Unable to open oss mixer "/dev/mixer"

Directory sound (/dev/sound/) include: dsp, mixer, mixer1

27-12-2009, 19:55
Volume is already working! :) I used:

mixer_type "software"

Exist any equalizer for MPC?