Bekijk de volledige versie : slimserver - YAML::Syck

07-02-2008, 21:55
Does anybody have a working slimserver on wl500g(p)? I installed it, but it lacks YAML::Syck... and I can't compile it.
Please help :(

08-02-2008, 15:10
Use the following info until I correct the package:

addgroup, adduser, swapon the 2Gb partition, chmod some directories


addgroup slimserver
adduser -D -s /dev/null -h /opt/share/slimserver -G slimserver slimserver
swapon /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5

chmod ugoa+w /opt/etc/slimserver.conf
chmod ugoa+w /opt/share/slimserver/Slim/Utils
chmod ugoa+w cachedir

Edit /opt/share/ss65/MySQL/my.tt, comment out the innodb_fast_shutdown line:

#innodb_fast_shutdown = 1

rename dir:
CPAN/arch/mipsel-linux-uclibc -> mipsel-linux

start slimserver (hasn't tried to run the given in /opt/etc/ script yet):

opt/share/slimserver/slimserver.pl --d_server
--user slimserver --cachedir /opt/tmp --logfile=/opt/var/log/slimserver.log

14-02-2008, 14:06
Finally, I managed to get it work! :cool:
Thanks all your effort Oleo!!! :)