Bekijk de volledige versie : [How to] Subversion, working svn server on WL-500gp or WL-HDD

09-01-2008, 16:16
# Hey

# i assume that you followed wengi'S great tutorial and your usb hdd is mounted correctly.
# to install svn package, in my case
# http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/svn_1.4.5-3_mipsel.ipk
# just run

ipkg install svn

# prepare the repository, i've mounted my biggest partition under /opt, so here we go

mkdir /opt/share/svn
svnadmin create /opt/share/svn/repos
ls /opt/share/svn/repos

# should look like:

conf/ dav/ db/ format hooks/ locks/ README.txt

# edit /opt/share/svn/repos/conf/svnserve.conf
# the following authz-db DOES finally work for me, i get NO authentication failures anymore

anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
realm = Mefis Home Repository

# the following authz-db DOES finally work for me, i get NO authentication failures anymore
# here is an example how to restrict a SVN project to a certain group
# Notice: here is this example the user mike should be able to connect to the svn project Project01 by connecting with svn://YOURDOMAINNAME/Project01
# beside of this user mefi is able to access also the root svn://YOURDOMAINNAME/

admins = mefi
projectgroup1 = mefi, susi, mike, nina

@projectgroup1 = rw
* =

@admins = rw
* =

# edit /opt/share/svn/repos/conf/passwd
# choose a username und password you like to use for svn
# not necessaryly the system user you are using

mefi = secret

# now follows the configuration part for starting svn daemon with xinetd! (NOTICE: this solves the hanging-connection-due-to-low-entropy-problem )
# edit /etc/services and insert following lines

svn 3690/tcp # Subversion
svn 3690/udp # Subversion

# make it persistent

echo "/etc/services" >> /tmp/local/.files

# create the file /opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve with following contents, and edit it to your needs

service svn
disable = no
socket_type = stream
server = /opt/bin/svnserve
server_args = -i -r /opt/share/svn/repos
wait = no
nice = 10
only_from =

# and tatata, our lovely flash mem persistent save (reboot not necessary now)

flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable

# be sure you have xinet configured for starting up automatically
# you should have /opt/etc/init.d/S10xinetd or something like that.

# the svn daemon should everytime be started automatically if an connection request for the svn ports are detected by xinetd

# after the next reboot you should be able automaitcally
# to use svn in your LAN or free the port 3690 in your post-firewall and use subversion from all around the world :D

# i've tested all on wl-500gp and wl-hdd with TortoiseSVN and subclipse as
# clients from my winxp, but should also work with a different configuration.

# Thanks for this great forum.
# mefi

unfortunatelly there is a problem with /dev/random and the svn package. ( detail: http://rubylution.ping.de/articles/2006/08/12/weird-subversion-hangs-using-svnserve )
if your svn client hangs then perform some commands on your wl-500gp like find / -name blah or top

Does anyone has an idea to solve this problem, permanantly?
There is a new package of svn available (1.4.6). maybe someone could compile for oleg fw

obviously dropbear uses randomly generated data while ssh session is active.
the easiest way not to get the above described "hanging" connection, just log off from your ssh console ;)
i wondered why this problem occured sporadic, now i know ;)

whole tutorial above updated.
I managed to solve the hanging-connection-due-to-low-entropy-problem by using the xinetd for fireing the svn process.
svn works now like a charm, i tested it by working on an university developing projekt concurrently with 3 other students. and with my own private reachable low cost svnserver i love the svn concept even more than before ;)
Meanwhile there is a new version of svn package available: svn_1.4.6-1_mipsel.ipk

17-03-2008, 10:12
works like a charme forme :)

there is only one error:

echo "/etc/services" /tmp/local/.files

should be:

echo "/etc/services" > /tmp/local/.files

or nothing will happen, right?


14-04-2008, 13:34
# be sure you have xinet configured for starting up automatically
# you should have /opt/etc/init.d/S10xinetd or something like that.

I'm sorry if i ask a stupid question, but what should contain this file /opt/etc/init.d/S10xinetd ?

14-04-2008, 14:59
# Startup script for xinetd
# Stop myself if running
killall xinetd 2>/dev/null

# Stop other inetd processes if running
if [ ${OPTWARE_TARGET} = "nslu2" ] ; then
killall inetd 2>/dev/null


21-08-2008, 14:47
Makes all the instructions but did not connect goes
No repository found in 'svn://*.*.*.124/finans'

What is wrong?

05-01-2009, 16:19
hey, just wondering...
did anyone get a successfull port-forward?

as soon as I try to connect from outside, I get the message: "connection unexpectedly closed" in the tortoise svn repo-browser.

in post-firewall I have this:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3690 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 3690 -j ACCEPT

as far as I can see with tcp view, there are no other connections between the server and the client:confused:

09-03-2009, 19:31
Hello. I have a problem:
svn: Repository moved permanently to ; please relocate.

Where is the problem? Thanks

11-03-2009, 08:10
Hello. I have a problem:
svn: Repository moved permanently to ; please relocate.

Where is the problem? Thanks

the url should be like this: svn://
at least... if you have a folder called svn in your repository.
you first need to create a user for main access

like this:

in the file auth

admin = rw

in the file pass

admin = mypassword

13-10-2009, 19:59
Hey Guys.

I just installed Olegs firmware (WL500gp- on my Asus WL500g Premium (V.1) by following wengi's HowTo on http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=10307.

After that i tried installing SVN on the Router.

But i didn't get it working.

When I try to connect to the router by svn:// i only get the following error message:

Checkout from svn://, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included
Kann nicht mit Host »« verbinden: Es konnte keine Verbindung
hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte.
In English: "No conn. to Host 192.168....Host rejected connection"

I don't know whats wrong. So please anyone help me...

That's what i did (following the upper HowTo).

ipkg install svn

mkdir /tmp/harddisk/svn
svnadmin create /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos

ls says everthing's fine till now

edited /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos/conf/svnserve.conf like melfi told me to (see post1)
edited /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos/conf/passwd and /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos/authz

edited /etc/services (i suppose it's not important, where i add the 2 lines?!)

#made it persistent

echo "/etc/services" >> /tmp/local/.files

I found out that xinet.d is not part of olegs firmware. So i downloaded it with

ipkg xinetd

[admin@nabuko conf]$ vi /opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve

service svn
disable = no
socket_type = stream
user = nabuko
server = /opt/bin/svnserve
server_args = -i -r /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos
wait = no
nice = 10
only_from =


flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable

btw. my S10xinetd

[admin@nabuko conf]$ vi /opt/etc/init.d/S10xinetd

# Startup script for xinetd
# Stop myself if running
killall xinetd 2>/dev/null

# Stop other inetd processes if running
if [ ${OPTWARE_TARGET} = "nslu2" ] ; then
killall inetd 2>/dev/null


As i said, i don't get an conn. to the router via TortoiseSVN.

[admin@nabuko conf]$ ps axf

1 ? S 0:01 /sbin/init
2 ? S 0:00 [keventd]
3 ? SN 0:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
4 ? S 0:00 [kswapd]
5 ? S 0:00 [bdflush]
6 ? S 0:00 [kupdated]
7 ? S 0:00 [mtdblockd]
58 ? S 0:00 dropbear
177 ? Ss 0:00 \_ dropbear
178 pts/0 Ss 0:00 \_ -sh
186 pts/0 R+ 0:00 \_ ps axf
63 ? S 0:00 httpd vlan1
65 ? Ss 0:00 klogd
71 ? Ss 0:00 nas /tmp/nas.lan.conf /tmp/nas.lan.pid lan
73 ? S 0:00 dnsmasq
74 ? S 0:00 [khubd]
84 ? Ss 0:00 lpd
86 ? Ss 0:00 p9100d -f /dev/usb/lp0 0
90 ? S 0:00 [usb-storage-0]
91 ? S 0:00 [scsi_eh_0]
98 ? Ss 0:00 pppd file /tmp/ppp/options.wan0
102 ? Ss 0:00 infosvr br0
103 ? Ss 0:00 watchdog
119 ? S 0:00 upnp -D -L br0 -W ppp0
135 ? S 0:00 [kjournald]
136 ? S 0:00 [kjournald]
139 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/vsftpd
141 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/nmbd -D
143 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
159 ? Ss 0:00 /sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/syslog.log -S -l
164 ? Ss 0:00 /opt/sbin/cron

Please help me!
Ihr dürft auch in deutsch weiterhelfen ;)

Thanks & Danke

P.S.: starting SVNserver by command: svnserve -d -r /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos/ works
the error seems to be in "/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve"....

13-10-2009, 23:26
in addition to my last post (s.b.):

I located the error in

[admin@nabuko conf]$ vi /opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve

service svn
disable = no
socket_type = stream
user = WHAT USERNAME????
server = /opt/bin/svnserve
server_args = -i -r /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos
wait = no
nice = 10
only_from =

starting it:

[admin@nabuko conf]$ /opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve svnserve.conf
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 1: service: not found
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 11: disable: not found
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 11: socket_type: not found
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 11: user: not found
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 11: server: not found
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 11: server_args: not found
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: wait: line 11: Illegal number: =
=: No such file or directory
/opt/etc/xinet.d/svnserve: line 11: only_from: not found

plz help me! thx

15-10-2009, 23:02
I had some problems with svn as well...
first create a main admin user to log into the server, the account should have access to everything (so that means the dir is "/").
after that you should come along a whole lot further

16-10-2009, 21:59
well, as i said before... i get access to the svn-repos when i startthe SVNserver by command: svnserve -d -r /tmp/harddisk/svn/repos/

But that's not what i want....the solution by starting svnserver oly if it is necessary is the solution i prefere....if somehow it'll work someday :(

22-10-2009, 17:09
I had the same problem, I found that svnserve should be in xinetd.d, not xinet.d
Hope that helps!

23-10-2009, 19:30
Hey Everybody

I got it workin somehow :)

@smloh: Thank's for your hint. That solved one problem

Note: Second problem solved by command chmod 775 /etc/services


07-02-2010, 01:16
Hi guys and thanks for the great tutorial!

How do I actually access this on OS X? Xcode or something like ZigVersion?


// Ike

07-02-2010, 01:27
Hi guys and thanks for the great tutorial!

How do I actually access this on OS X? Xcode or something like ZigVersion?


// Ike

google is your best friend: http://versionsapp.com/
looks like svn for os x:p

btw... shouldn't those linux apps work for OS x as well since they are both posix?
linux one with GUI: http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/

08-02-2012, 16:27

i've successfuly managed to install the svn and is working correctly.
The problem is that i am not able to connect to my svn repository from outside.
I guess i need to correctly setup my post-firewall script, but I really don't know how. Can someone send how the post-firewall script should look like with correct svn settings?

Right now my post-firewall looks like this (only one line to access the box via ssh from outside):

# this opens the ssh port to internet! Be sure to have strong passwords!
iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT


08-02-2012, 21:33

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3690 -j ACCEPT
and it should work;)

09-02-2012, 06:55

and it should work;)

It's working correctly now, thank you very much!

26-05-2012, 21:53
First at all, thanks for this Tutorial. But i have some problems to checkout.
A local import to svn was ok. But if I want to checkout with my OpenSuSe PC via lan
I get the following Error:

svn checkout svn:// ~/testordner
svn: No repository found in 'svn://'

I think i've missed something, but i have no Idea what this can be.

If i change the checkout

svn checkout svn:// ~/testordner
svn: Invalid authz configuration