Bekijk de volledige versie : boost your transmission power from 19mW to 84mW

18-11-2003, 00:09
how to increase the transmission power from 19mW to 84mW

open up the 'System Command' page at

enter as shown below in the photo the following command:

/usr/sbin/wl -i eth2 txpwr 84

and push the Refresh button (DO NOT hit the enter your keyboard, the command won't be executed then)

well now you think your signal has been boosted to 84mW ?
yes correct, but i've discovered today (could be because of the distance tested @2meters from AP) some sideeffects

see below for your own conclusion:

18-11-2003, 12:03
It's maybe worth a try to see were the turning point lies. Find out what the ideal power is.


18-11-2003, 12:16
Did you also try the communication after a reboot? I read on other forums that it after reboot (of the client, not the router) they did get better results.

24-11-2003, 05:19
Sweet,... i haven't tried boosting the signal, but that page lets you use standard linux commands like ls, ifconfig and netstat.

I'll play with it.

28-11-2003, 08:51
can you see how printer sharing is done? Maybe they use an open protocol easy to use on mac os x or linux machines?

10-12-2003, 20:20
Hi all,
I've written this little script which you can run in your Startup.
It will set the power to 84mW.

Just create a textfile, copy the code into it, rename it to "bla.vbs" and go!

To run it you'll need Windows (VBS engine) and IE.

'===start copying here===

Dim w,url,pwrcode,userid,password

url="http://" & userid & ":" & password & "@my.router/Main_AdmStatus_Content.asp"
pwrcode="wl -i eth2 txpwr 84"

'create internet explorer object
on error resume next
Set w=CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
if w is nothing or err.number<>0 then
msgbox "Can't create IE!"
end if

'login and wait for it
w.navigate2 url
do while w.busy

'now "enter" the code

'and submit the form

'again wait for it to end
do while w.busy

'clean up
set w=nothing
msgbox "Power level set to 84mW"

'===end copying===

10-12-2003, 21:33
Originally posted by Marrik
Hi all,
I've written this little script which you can run in your Startup.
It will set the power to 84mW.

Just create a textfile, copy the code into it, rename it to "bla.vbs" and go!

To run it you'll need Windows (VBS engine) and IE.

'===start copying here===


'===end copying===

nice one,

could you change it so we have the possibility to to a set of commands in one click ?

or have a popup screen where we can fill in the command and maybe a output windows if possible ?

10-12-2003, 22:01
Sure, just tell me what you like and I will integrate it.

11-12-2003, 18:08
Here's the updated script.
It will prompt for an input (prefilled with the power line) for the command to enter.

Dim w,url,pwrcode,userid,password,bexit

url="http://" & userid & ":" & password & "@my.router/Main_AdmStatus_Content.asp"
pwrcode="/usr/sbin/wl -i eth2 txpwr 84"

'create internet explorer object
on error resume next
Set w=CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
if w is nothing or err.number<>0 then
msgbox "Can't create IE!"
end if

pwrcode=inputbox("Please enter the command","ASUS Commander",pwrcode)

If pwrcode<>"" and not bexit Then
'login and wait for it
w.navigate2 url
do while w.busy

'now "enter" the code

'and submit the form

'again wait for it to end
do while w.busy
msgbox "Command executed!"
end if

'clean up
set w=nothing

Antiloop: If you want email me, maybe we can build a tool in ASP(.NET) or VB(.NET). :)

12-12-2003, 14:01
A good work, Marrik, thanks a lot! :) I think it would be nice if you could make a script for complete Telnet activation. It won't be so easy but maybe it would be possible to make it. What the script should do is:
1) open 12 HTTP links for FTP datemon activation
2) open the FTP root and copy necessary files (busybox, telnetd,...) stored somewhere on local HDD to the router's /tmp folder
3) perform commands for Telnet daemon activation (chmod a+x /tmp/busybox, ....).

Thanks again for your effort! ;)

12-12-2003, 14:30
It's no problem to execute more than 1 statement. :D
However, in scripting it's difficult to wait for the browser to complete. Sometimes it will return a 'complete' message while it's still busy.

I can build it in VB or VB.NET easily, even ASP (.NET).

But the 'beauty' of it was that you could put the script in your startup folder and then it would set the powerlevel every time you boot your computer.
When I build an interface into it (like in the last version of the script) then you NEED to enter the command.

Hmmm.....maybe some kind of script generator.... :rolleyes:

Let me know what you want/think.

29-12-2003, 23:23

i tried your script
but when i enter anything varying from 2 to 84 nothing happens.
the signal always stays the same... ?

in the room in which i tested the signal is always 3 stripes, no matter if i use 2 mW or 82 mW

26-03-2004, 13:13
Is it safe for the router to set the power up to 84mW. How far can I go without damaging the router by overheating...
With maximum power won't it cook something near the antena?

26-03-2004, 14:46
Originally posted by ropmip
Is it safe for the router to set the power up to 84mW. How far can I go without damaging the router by overheating...
With maximum power won't it cook something near the antena?

possible it's not safe, those things are at your risk.
maybe an idea for you to measure the temperature for some time. with and without the boost, and publish them here :)

26-03-2004, 15:11
I think that the max. output power is 84mW.
In version of the firmware you can set it to this maximum.

01-04-2004, 21:49
Here's a nice guide to: http://erhnam.demon.nl/asus-wlan-hack/

Isn't it smarter to change it to 65-75mWH ?

02-04-2004, 08:27
Originally posted by ilmer
Here's a nice guide to: http://erhnam.demon.nl/asus-wlan-hack/

Isn't it smarter to change it to 65-75mWH ?

to inform you, I am the one who wrote that guide... except for the wl -i eth2 txpwr 84

and why should it be smarter to change it to 65-75mWH ?
so that the signal would get better or something?

06-04-2004, 14:31
Here is a WL500g measurement with a R&S spectrum analyzer. Please notice the 8dBm difference (19mW = 12,7dBm, 84mW = 19,2 dBm). This is measured with an Antenna, no direct connection to the Spectrum Analyzer.


The Following picture shows a direct connection:


14-06-2004, 16:43
nice pictures, but I've some quetsions about them. Did you measured WL500g in AP or client mode? I thought, if there are no clients associated to AP, it transmit just something like "hello, I'm here" and no standard traffic signal. And if you have your spectrum analyzer connected directly on coax, I'm sure there are no clients associated. So, do you thing that signal on your picture is this "hallo" signal? Did this signal have same strenght, like traffic?
And about client mode. I use wl500b in client mode, AP distance is about 500 meters and it's same link quality if txpwr is 1 or 84. No packetloss or something like this. So I've some doubt about txpwr setting. I tried to measure power with RF powermeter, but I wasn't succesfull. I gues that not associated client is just listening and no transmiting. What do you thanks tenis

18-10-2005, 17:32
Here is a WL500g measurement with a R&S spectrum analyzer. Please notice the 8dBm difference (19mW = 12,7dBm, 84mW = 19,2 dBm). This is measured with an Antenna, no direct connection to the Spectrum Analyzer.


The Following picture shows a direct connection:


What is the name of that program you used for analyzing signal? I need a good program to find what is wrong with my network. I get ping timeout every 57 sec on my Asus WL-500g based network.

31-12-2005, 14:51
hi @ all,
my question is if i change the transmission power iss it permanetly or i have to change each new start of my wl-500gx?:confused:

01-01-2006, 13:15
hi @ all,
my question is if i change the transmission power iss it permanetly or i have to change each new start of my wl-500gx?:confused:

It is permanetly.

02-01-2006, 11:38
big thx for answer

15-01-2006, 10:51
hi @ all,
i use the new firmware from oleg. and i need to boost up the transmission power.
i do it by the guide from page 1 with this command
/usr/sbin/wl -i eth2 txpwr 84

but i get this error massage?

eth2: No such device
txpwr Set tx power in milliwatts. Range [1, 84]. (Deprecated: Use txpwr1 instead)

so if i understand it right, all i have to do is this command?

is this right?

15-01-2006, 17:55
[admin@wl root]$ wl -i eth2 txpwr1 -m 84
[admin@wl root]$ wl -i eth2 txpwr1
TxPower is 77 qdbm, 19.25 dbm, 84 mW Override is Off

however I don't think this makes much difference...
If you also don't see a difference in power, try:
wl atten 0 0 120

15-01-2006, 19:32
eth2: No such device

If you are doing this on a wl-500g deluxe: eth1 is the wireless interface...

15-01-2006, 20:21
eth1 is wireles.
thats what i like to boost up.
my router is the wl500g deluxe so what i have to write for command to boost up transmission? is the how to on the first page wrong? or i do somthing wrong?

16-01-2006, 15:20
eth1 is wireles.
thats what i like to boost up.
my router is the wl500g deluxe so what i have to write for command to boost up transmission? is the how to on the first page wrong? or i do somthing wrong?
# /usr/sbin/wl -i eth1 txpwr1 -m 85
to check..
# wl txpwrlimit
Current TX Power Limit: 89 mW ( 19.50 dBm)
(it seems to go to nearest 0.25 dbm)

16-01-2006, 18:19
@ WVR,
big thx it's a great support thank you

17-01-2006, 16:46
new problem,
i setup my wl500g to 84mw transmission power.
one off the routers lose allways the power from 84 to 1mw without doing anything firmware of both is same newest release from oleg.
what can i do or did some one knows this f.. problem?:confused:

18-01-2006, 19:01
ok problem solved,
next question.
how can i save the setting from transmission power permanetly?
allways after restart the transmission power is 19mw not like i set it 85mw:confused:

20-01-2006, 16:22
ok it's also solved
- nvram commit
is the magic command