Bekijk de volledige versie : [How To] Install and Configure Hellanzb

08-11-2007, 21:23
Hellanzb is (like sabnzbd) a tool for downloading, repairing and unpacking nzb-files from usenet.

- You need to be using the OLEG optware repository
- You need to have a swap-file

The Howto:

Install the necessary packages:

ipkg update

ipkg install py-hellanzb
or if you want to use python2.5
ipkg install py25-hellanzb

The hellanzb package uses the following defaults:

Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR = '/opt/tmp/'
Hellanzb.LOG_FILE = '/opt/var/log/hellanzb.log'

If you like it, you only need to enter your news-servers in /opt/etc/hellanz.conf
Otherwise change those settings aswell.

The package creates a startup-script S71hellanzb, so you can start it by /opt/etc/init.d/S71hellanzb, or a reboot.

nzb files go in /opt/tmp/nzb/daemon.queue/, the result comes in /opt/tmp/usenet/

Default, hellanzb has no Webinterface, so you can track progress by watching the log file, or by installing the webinterface Zussaweb using instructions below. Or you can try to install another interface listed on hellanzb.com.

Instructions for Zussaweb:

ipkg update
ipkg install lighttpd
ipkg install fcgi-php

Edit /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and make the following changes:

# "mod_fastcgi",

url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc" )
url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc", ".sqlite" )

#fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
# ( "localhost" =>
# (
# "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
# "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php"
# )
# )
# )

fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/opt/bin/php-fcgi"

Now you are ready to start lighttpd by /opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd
Next download and unpack zussaweb:

cd /opt/tmp
wget http://download.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/zussaweb/zussaweb03.tar.gz
cd /opt/share/www
tar -xzvf /opt/tmp/zussaweb03.tar.gz

Next you need to change the values of $disk and $download_nzb_path in the file /opt/share/www/zussaweb/settings.php

Finally we need to fix a bug:
Edit /opt/share/www/zussaweb/functions.php and change:

function freediskspace() {
return (round (disk_free_space(disk)/1024/1024,2));


function freediskspace($disk) {
return (round (disk_free_space($disk)/1024/1024,2));

Now you can use the interface at

Happy leeching

Jeroen van Omme
23-11-2007, 08:11
Hi DrChair,

I followed your tutorial (using ipkg install py-hellanzb), but when I tried starting it by executing /opt/etc/init.d/S71hellanzb I received an errormessage stating "nice not found" or something like that.
I opened S71hellanzb in VI and noticed that it calls "nice -n19 hellanzb.py".
Running the .py actually starts hellanzb.
So it seems that "nice" is missing from my firmware. Any idea where or how I can get this (Am I correct in thninking it's not really needed for running hellanzb?)

Thanks for the instructions anyhow!!


23-11-2007, 20:56
Dr Chair

I have Hella working and Zussa only sort of. It monitors fine and I can manually copy NZB files to the monitored queue directory but the Newsbin ID won't work and the Upload NZB won't work.

Do yours?

Jeroen van Omme
24-11-2007, 10:03
Hi all,

It looks like HellaNZB is stalled on QUEUED, any idea what's wrong?
Here's the log:

[admin@(none) root]$ tail /opt/var/log/hellanzb.log
2007-11-24 09:32:40,368 INFO
2007-11-24 09:32:40,644 INFO hellanzb v0.13 (config = /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf, daemonized, C yenc module)
2007-11-24 09:32:45,321 LOGFILE (changeme) Opening 3 connections...
2007-11-24 09:32:45,500 INFO hellanzb - Now monitoring queue...
2007-11-24 09:32:46,103 INFO Found new nzb: jeroen
2007-11-24 09:32:47,070 INFO Parsing: jeroen.nzb...
2007-11-24 09:32:49,852 INFO Parsed: 16 files (381 posts), 139.0MB
2007-11-24 09:32:50,673 INFO Queued: 139.0MB
[admin@(none) root]$

24-11-2007, 21:24
So it seems that "nice" is missing from my firmware. Any idea where or how I can get this (Am I correct in thninking it's not really needed for running hellanzb?)

hmmm, I checked my router (oleg and it has nice installed in the firmware (/bin/nice). So I presumed it to be a standard. I might need to add a check for nice in a future startup script.

Another thing that's not 100% oke with current startup-script, is that is doesn't set PATH. (so it can't find nice even if it is present).

The purpose of nice is, that hellanzb (and more important unrar and par2) get started with the lowest priority, so it doesn't slow down more important processes like samba. So it's not necessary but recommended.
You should be able to install it by installing coreutils.

24-11-2007, 21:39
I have Hella working and Zussa only sort of. It monitors fine and I can manually copy NZB files to the monitored queue directory but the Newsbin ID won't work and the Upload NZB won't work.

Do yours?

Upload NZB works fine over here... Prehaps you didn't enter $download_nzb_path correctly in settings.php, or the permissions on the queue directory are wrong?

I don't have a Newzbin account, so i can't help you on that.

24-11-2007, 22:02
Hi all,

It looks like HellaNZB is stalled on QUEUED, any idea what's wrong?

Hellanzb doesn't log anything during downloading.
When it's done downloading, it should log something like this:

Transferred 273.5MB in 10m 57s at 426.1KB/s

Jeroen van Omme
26-11-2007, 08:28
Hellanzb doesn't log anything during downloading.
When it's done downloading, it should log something like this:

Transferred 273.5MB in 10m 57s at 426.1KB/s

I checked my log after some 24 hours, but it still says "QUEUED"....
I read somewhere that you can turn ons verbose debug-logging, I will try this next.....or maybe you (or anyone else) have a suggestion?

26-11-2007, 11:42
Hi DrChair,

Nice to see that you've written a how-to of this application.

As I have running HellaNZB and Zussaweb for quite a while now I'm going to double check if I have everything configured like you stated.

One thing though, a problem which I'm experiencing which I hope to hear from others if they're experiencing the same problem, while HellaNZB is very stable (have download more than 20 dvd's in a row, crunching for 3-4 days) it does not unrar everything it downloads. In my opnion: if the downloaded package contains 'funky' characters like hyphens, spaces, underscores etc. it does not extract the package.

I think it has something to do with the unrar command not being called correct from within HellaNZB.. something like:

unrar e downloaded-package.rar

instead of:

unrar e 'downloaded-package.rar'

If the package name is not encapsulated within quotes unrar does not unrar, while when it is encapsulated in quotes, it does.


thanks for the write-up !

26-11-2007, 23:30
I read somewhere that you can turn on verbose debug-logging, I will try this next.....or maybe you (or anyone else) have a suggestion?

That was gonna be my next suggestion, remove the hash (#) in front of
#Hellanzb.DEBUG_MODE = '/opt/var/log/hellanzb-debug.log' and change the path to a directory that exists.
Now, if you start hellanzb, it starts logging debug info to the file specified.

Jeroen van Omme
27-11-2007, 08:22

Well, sometimes a mistake will teach you something....
I tried starting Hellanzb.py with the paramters -d (debug).
Seems this doesn't really start debug-mode (I'll try your suggestion of editing the conf-file later), but it also runs hellanzb un-deamonized. And now the screens shows it's actually downloading. So, it all seems to work except when running it daemonized, as it wil stay on QUEUED.

Will try the debug-mode tonigt.

27-11-2007, 11:56
I makes kind of sense...

the option -d (debug) should be followed by the path to the logfile, so it's ignored in your case. And because you didn't specify -D (Daemonize), it uses the console as a gui, so you see it downloading.

to start debugging the daemonized mode, you could also do:
hellanzb.py -D -d /opt/var/log/hellanzb-debug.log

27-11-2007, 14:15
if the downloaded package contains 'funky' characters like hyphens, spaces, underscores etc. it does not extract the package.

I think it has something to do with the unrar command not being called correct from within HellaNZB.. something like:

unrar e downloaded-package.rar

instead of:

unrar e 'downloaded-package.rar'

That's not the case. I have downloaded lots of packages with 'funky' characters, and they all unpack just fine.
A quote from the debug-log also proves this:

2007-11-27 13:22:46,241 spawnProcess THREAD ID: 2051 (/opt/bin/unrar l -y -p- -- "/tmp/harddisk/hellanzb/nzb/daemon.processing/Bla.Bla- Bla.Bla.Bla.u4e/Bla.Bla- Bla.Bla.Bla.u4e.part01.rar")

The only time a package I downloaded didn't unpack, was when the first.par2 file was damaged, so it couldn't verify. Perhaps hellanzb should also download the first non-empty par2 file, to prevent this behavior.

Jeroen van Omme
27-11-2007, 20:01
I makes kind of sense...

the option -d (debug) should be followed by the path to the logfile, so it's ignored in your case. And because you didn't specify -D (Daemonize), it uses the console as a gui, so you see it downloading.

to start debugging the daemonized mode, you could also do:
hellanzb.py -D -d /opt/var/log/hellanzb-debug.log

Thanks for the tips, I now have it running exactly like wanted to.
My WL-HDD is happily downloading files from usenet while my noisy, energy-sucking PC can be turned of at night.

Thanks again!

a few tips for those installing HellaNZB:

Use the -force-reinstall parameter of ipkg if installation doesn't go right the first time
Install Nano to view/edit your files on Linux
If you've used the tutorial in this (http://www.wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=10307) thread, make sure you set your download path to /tmp/harddisk/.... otherwise you'll run out of diskspace pretty quick.

So, next up: installing a web frontend for monitoring progress....

Jeroen van Omme
02-12-2007, 14:03
Just installed Zussaweb, with lighttpd and fcgi-php (called php-fcgi in the package listing!).
Did the modifications noted in this thread, but when I try to open
it returns a
Fault: Code: 6 Reason 'No data received from server.'

Any suggestions? :confused:

05-12-2007, 16:10
DrChair & Jeroen,

I was wondering,

Do you have the same problems letting HellaNZB unrar the downloaded archives as I mentioned earlier in this thread.

I'm wondering, because, If I'm the only one having this problem, it must be me who configured something wrong, If you 2 are having the same problems it could be a bug which we have to address.

Thanks for your replies.

DrChair, I overlooked your post, that you've got it going....
I'm going to re-install HellaNZB.. (keep you informed)

Installed it the way described here, pretty much the same.
Still no succes with unrar.
Now running in debug-modus. Let's see what that bring tomorrow.

06-12-2007, 23:05
Just installed Zussaweb, with lighttpd and fcgi-php (called php-fcgi in the package listing!).
Did the modifications noted in this thread, but when I try to open
it returns a
Fault: Code: 6 Reason 'No data received from server.'

Any suggestions? :confused:

Hi Jeroen,

It happened to me, but only when HellaNZB was not running in the background. seems that the website functions, but it can't read out the processes.


07-12-2007, 10:47
My experience of Zussaweb was not good. It refuses to allow me to upload an NZB file and won't retrieve my Newzbin files. However, HellaPHP does all this so I have switched.

Has anyone got a working script that automatically runs HellaNZB on boot up? I can type /opt/bin/hellanzb.py -D but put it into a script and it never works for me!

Jeroen van Omme
07-12-2007, 11:05
I was wondering,

Do you have the same problems letting HellaNZB unrar the downloaded archives as I mentioned earlier in this thread.


Sorry, can't help you here. I use Hella strictly for downloading. Afterwards, I FTP to my PC and perform par/unrar.

Jeroen van Omme
07-12-2007, 11:08
However, HellaPHP does all this so I have switched.

Methanoid, what do you need to get HellaPHP up-and-running? Is there a installation-guide, or can you provided some info?


08-12-2007, 18:17

I think I've worked out my problem..
par seems to be the problem. not unrar.. but if it doesn't par, then it certainly does not unrar.


I installed the cronutils and par2cmdline again...
Now it seems to work
(had 2 nzb's, albums.. ~200mb.. which is small for testing, they worked, which they didn't do before).
Have to wait for a series of dvd's I've put in to actually confirm it..

So, if you think it doesn't unrar for you, check your par, it might be the problem. :)



09-12-2007, 16:58
Succeeded, partially...
Hi Dr/Jeroen, first of all, thanks for the help & considerations.
I managed to get a bit further.
Put in 6nzb with dvd's last night, hoping they would been downloaded today.
well.. partially, 2 downloaded completely and extracted fully, leaving me with a dvd. Sweet, that's a big progress., but,
There where 4 nzb's more in the queue.. while hella was queued..didn't download anything at that moment. When I manually set the the first nzb in queue to download, it starts downloading right away..have to see now if it advances to the next nzb.
Jeroen? I read you've had some problems with hellaznb staying in queued modus.. what exactly did you do to solve this problem..

I'm still not running in nice-modus (I checked, it's actually installed on the router, but I haven't used that function yet.)


Jeroen van Omme
10-12-2007, 08:25

From my experience with Hella, I can tell you it feels a bit unstable.
When I turned on debugging, I saw that HELLA is actually doing something (just tail -f <logfile> to monitor the debug-logfile). I even got it to download some files.......However, adding files to the queue are sometime picked up, but more often, they seems to be ignored, or queued but not processed.
The webinterface Suzzaweb is even more problematic, It seems to only work when Hella is already downloading, but even this doens't guarantee a working webpage. If it does work, however, it's pretty cool, giving a nice monitor-view of the download process.
All in all, downloading with debug enabled and FTP-ing the nzb's manually to the WL-HDD seems to be the safest. Just not very efficient.....:(

10-12-2007, 15:44
Hi Jeroen,

Well, I managed to even get a bit further,

- the 'hanging' nzb... I was not able to replicate this behaviour.. even not with the same nzb. everything I feed it now, is downloaded. This is now the same as before, so my guess is that it was just a hickup, which I don't hope it will happen again.

- about stability... I have to set my references again, don't know how stable my current setup is now. (now that I have the par/rar problem sorted out), but, when I only used it for downloading (no par/rar) I must say it is really stable (have downloaded 80+ gb in a row, with 20-25 nzb's (not all movies), but it kept on running.

- ZussaWeb, In my case zussa also runs when Hella is not downloading anything (idle) and is waiting for the next download, it will just display the website, with an empty queue, no processing, and the last log-items, but it does run, if I then upload a nzb, it waits 10 seconds and starts downloading immediately.
However, if HellaNZB is not running in the background you will get a 'no connection to server' if you try to open the zussaweb pages.
(only thing I think is crap in Zussaweb is the downloading progress bar, this one displays 99% done when it has to download 1+ gb of a download.)

At this moment I'm very happy with the way I have it set up (included nice in my setup since yesterday). It even starts with downloading the next nzb while it's unrarring the previous !
let's hope it stays that way.

I changed my setup this weekend, so I have to 'reset' my references..
I will do a week thorough downloading, and If it unpacks all, and is still running after a lot of packages.. then I know how stable it is. but for now.. I'm very happy..

(movie-dvd ~4,5gb: download, par-verify, unrar, cleanup... all in approx 5-6hours.. ) which means 4-5 movies a day, and that's way more than I can watch :)

Jeroen van Omme
11-12-2007, 09:11
Raas, DrChair,

Well, I've given up on Hella. I was almost considering using my PC agai nfor downloading, but then I received a message from hugbug, pointing me to this thread:
De-installed hella and the webserver tools, installed getnzb and got it running at once. No webinterface, but adding nzb's is as simple as ftp-ing them to the right directory. It runs daemonized, but you don't have to tail log-files to see what's going on: getnzb -L will show you what's going on, getnzb -C will give you a realtime monitor.

Hope this helps anyone considering newsgroup downloading.
Many thanks tot hugbug for pointing me in the right way!


11-12-2007, 12:35
Hi Jeroen,

I'm sorry to hear that Hella didn't work out for you, maybe the WLHDD is not that able to fully use Hella.

I'm sticking with Hella for now, but I will most certainly have a look at hugbug's nzbget.

Anyway.. I'm very happy with this thread, without this thread I didn't manage to solve the problems I had.

Jeroen van Omme
11-12-2007, 15:22

After having so much trouble with Hella, getting getNZB to run at the first try was a real relief :o. So, for now I'm sticking to getNZB.

You're right about this thread being really usefull.

20-01-2008, 16:11
Well hello

few questions from my experience with nzb

Since yesterday I'm using SABnzbd, quite good, but realy slow when loading 2 nzbs (mp3 each 100MB) with max 2 connections.

How is the memory consumption at this program

21-01-2008, 21:01
Well hello

few questions from my experience with nzb

Since yesterday I'm using SABnzbd, quite good, but realy slow when loading 2 nzbs (mp3 each 100MB) with max 2 connections.

How is the memory consumption at this program

Memory consumption with Hellanzb is better than with SABnzbd.

However, if you don't need a webinterface, and you don't mind un-rarring your downloads yourself, I can really recommend NZBget.
(especially the newer svn-versions use only 3 Mb, but those aren't in the optware repository yet)

21-01-2008, 22:13

HellaNZB can take up anywhere between 20 and 60 megabytes.
You definatly need a swap installed.
but if you run it with the lowest priority your still have a very responsive system.

25-01-2008, 20:15
Fault: Code: 5 Reason 'Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized)'

Installed everything correctly

26-01-2008, 17:34
Fault: Code: 5 Reason 'Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized)'

Installed everything correctly

How did you get this error message? by looking at the logfile? by opening the browser to surf to zussaweb?

If you could. please post the log file.

27-01-2008, 13:57
How did you get this error message? by looking at the logfile? by opening the browser to surf to zussaweb?

If you could. please post the log file.

well, I installed everything correclty, and did not received any errormessages. but when I try to reach: I get the error message mentioned above.

Even after I installed the whole firmware from scratch, I receive this error message.

27-01-2008, 18:42
I get a slightly different code 5 error when HellaNZB is not running.

can you confirm that HellaNZB is running?

Also, pleast post hella's logfile.

27-01-2008, 20:49
Fault: Code: 5 Reason 'Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized)'

Have you entered the same password and port number in both /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf and /opt/share/www/lighttpd/zussaweb/settings.php ??

21-02-2008, 08:54
I am getting this :

Fault: Code: 5 Reason 'Connect error: Connection refused (146)'

22-02-2008, 08:50
Hi PinkFloyd,

Did you start HellaNZB with /opt/bin/startHellaNZB ?
It does not start on itself after a reboot.
(Referring to the headstart image you're using)

11-03-2008, 00:28
installing fcgi-php gave an error:

Cannot find package fcgi-php.

ipkg install fcgi-php was my input

it isn't at http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/

Jeroen van Omme
11-03-2008, 06:42
I think the package was called php-fcgi_5.2.5-1_mipsel.ipk
At least, when I tried installing Hella, I got the same error and tried this one instead.
I did eventually get Hella to work, but switched to getnzb in the end.

Hope this helps.

12-03-2008, 23:37
Why the switch?

Jeroen van Omme
13-03-2008, 06:57
Why the switch?

I couldn't get Hella to work stabally.
Actually, I only got it running twice. It looked great, but not very usefull if it crashes after a while.
Switched to getnzb and never looked back :-)

01-06-2008, 16:00
i can't get hellanzb to work EVERYTIME

I follow the how-to point to point, and everytime I get:

[admin@kolibrieroutert root]$ /opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd
Starting web server: lighttpd
Duplicate config variable in conditional 0 global: fastcgi.server
2008-06-01 16:53:13: (configfile.c.885) source: cat /opt/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/*.conf line: 15 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
2008-06-01 16:53:13: (configfile.c.885) source: /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 330 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)

This is also when I try to install nzbgetplus

And don't get started with: "Why do you need webinterface?" I am not the only one at home using the wl500g for downloading, and I don't think my brother (11 years) knows how to do command line.

01-06-2008, 22:11
[admin@kolibrieroutert root]$ /opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd
Starting web server: lighttpd
Duplicate config variable in conditional 0 global: fastcgi.server
2008-06-01 16:53:13: (configfile.c.885) source: cat /opt/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/*.conf line: 15 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
2008-06-01 16:53:13: (configfile.c.885) source: /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 330 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)

It looks like you have some config of fastcgi.server in both /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and in a file in /opt/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/

If I look at my setup, i don't even have a directory /opt/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/.
So to comply with my instructions, perhaps you could try renaming (or deleting) the directory /opt/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/

If that doesn't work either, could you attach the .conf files ?

05-06-2008, 15:44

Hellanzb v0.13 (config = /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf, daemonized, C yenc module)
(XSNews) Opening 2 connections...
hellanzb - Now monitoring queue...
Resuming: -mp3
Parsing: -mp3.nzb...
Parsed: 1 files (12 posts), 4.5MB
Queued: 4.5MB
Transferred 4.5MB in 2s at 2534.2KB/s (-mp3)
-mp3: Finished processing (took: 0s) (total: 5s) (No Pars)
Found new nzb: deel1
Parsing: deel1.nzb...
Parsed: 97 files (17173 posts), 4213.3MB
Queued: 4213.3MB
Found new nzb: abt1000

06-06-2008, 15:47
Well Finally I got it all working; I re-installed the router to find one of the problems...

I was reading a how-to from Wirespot (some more tips and tricks) about SSL and encrypting your server. There I've read that you first had to disable the internal webserver from busybox....well that disabled all the problems. From that moment on, everything worked fine.

After weeks of trying, testing and retesting, I will share here my experiences.
Comparing versions

1) Hellnzb
2) Sabnzb
3) Newsleech

The maximum speed of my internet connection is 19Mbits, so theoretically I can download with 2400KB/sec which comes down to 2,3MB/sec. The connection is ADSL so I will encounter 10% loss due to overhead (estimated) which will bring the maximum reasonable speed back to 17Mbits. (2172KB/sec or 2,1MB/sec)

The maximum speed I could do was 300KB/sec, because I could only use one or (If I was lucky two) connections. SABnzbd uses so much memory that I couldn’t use more than two connections because it will crash if I try to approach the web interface.

The maximum speed with hellanzbd was 2400KB/sec, but this was after downloading a file of 4,5Mb. After downloading a dvd (4,5GB) I got an average speed of 1300KB/sec with 4 connections

Well, it is a bit unfair, because newsleech can use all the resources it will need (depending on your computer) but the maximum speed I had was 1,8Mb/sec.


Not good, If you will download an archive larger then 10Gb, you need to consider using your PC or something else, because your router will crash while unpacking, downloading or whatever….and frankly…downloading 10Gb with max 300KB/sec is not what you will call: Ideal!

The past two days I spend downloading a bunch of albums , total downloaded in these two days: 15Gb, great stability

Stupid question…ofcourse it is stable….unless your pc ain’t

06-10-2008, 22:35
How can I disable the auto unrar and par repair in hellanzb or in zussaweb.
I like work manual.
Thank you.

07-10-2008, 08:13

don't know exactly for the par, but for the rar it is (at 3/4 in the /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf)

# Skip unraring during post processing
Hellanzb.SKIP_UNRAR = True


16-11-2008, 18:59
Hi all,

I get the following message when following the link Zussaweb on the Headstart frontpage:

Fault: Code: 5 Reason 'Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized)'

Some more information, when I get the fault:
- I installed Headstart II using the tutorial.
- Used /opt/bin/startHellaNZB to start hellanzb (using top it shows in the process list)
- Changed configuration for my newsgroup, etc. in /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf

Have you entered the same password and port number in both /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf and /opt/share/www/lighttpd/zussaweb/settings.php ??
I don't have the folder zussaweb in the lighttpd folder, so i'm pretty sure that the passwords are not equal...;)

Can anybody help me?

16-11-2008, 19:13
Hi Alias88,

When you started HellaNZB with /opt/bin/startHellaNZB, did it say it started HellaNZB 'daemonized' (or something like that).

Normally, when such error message appears in the WebUI, the daemon didn't startup correctly. maybe you have an small error in HellaNZB's config file.
(please post config file, and make sure you anonymize your newsserver credentials (if you use a payserver))

16-11-2008, 20:02
Hi Raas,

thanx for the quick reaction! I attached the conf as asked. I hope it can help you help me...


16-11-2008, 20:27

looks good to me.
is it just the webinterface which doesn't run, or does hellanzb not run at all?
(check by putting a nzb in the queue and see if it gets processed (file is moved to current and hella will take up cpu and download.))


16-11-2008, 21:05
is it just the webinterface which doesn't run, or does hellanzb not run at all?
(check by putting a nzb in the queue and see if it gets processed (file is moved to current and hella will take up cpu and download.))

HellaNZB is running perfectly... I put in a nzb (one mp3) and this was processed in a couple of seconds and downloaded.

[admin@NAS root]$ /opt/bin/startHellaNZB
hellanzb v0.13 (config = /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf, daemonized, C yenc module)
So that also looks ok...

Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

16-11-2008, 21:09
Any other suggestions?

And of course like a miracle ZussaWeb works now I try to open the webpage again... Thanks for the trouble... I hope it keeps working. I'll get back if not.

Greetz, Alias88

16-11-2008, 22:35

maybe it's just the browser cache of your internet browser which presented you with an old (cached) page. ?

17-11-2008, 19:08
maybe it's just the browser cache of your internet browser which presented you with an old (cached) page. ?

That's problably the reason why it didn't work. Everything looks it's working like it should, but I have some warning in the frontend, that I would like to get rid of. It says the following:

HellaNZB version 0.13, uptime 22:20
total downloaded: 727MB, total downloaded nzbs: 1,
Notice: Undefined variable: disk in /mnt/protected/WebUI/zussaweb/functions.php on line 4

Warning: disk_free_space() [function.disk-free-space]: No such file or directory in /mnt/protected/WebUI/zussaweb/functions.php on line 4
free disk space: 0MB

I looked for the variable and changed the path in settings.php, but to no avail. Should I kill zussaweb and restart it? If yes, how can I do that?

Thanx in advance...

17-11-2008, 20:20
Yep, having the same error (otherwise it wouldn't be in the image :D )
have tried the path variable also, but that didn't work.

other thing.
zussaweb isn't a process, it's a webapplication which is 'user-initiated' and is running on the process lighttpd (which is the webserver which 'listenes' for a request on the port (8082))), if no client is connected, no request is posted to the webserver so there's no need to 'generate' information about the download. If you have a browser open on zussa's page it is refreshed every 10-15 sec. by a background javascript (ajax) which 'requests' new information about the downloads from the webserver. since you request zussa's pages which has code to read out HellaNZB's variables, which in fact is a background process which looks (listenes) for files on a given location (\..\..\daemon.queue)
if you want to restart the lighttpd webserver (e.g. after changing config, and you want to apply the config without restarting) you use the following code:

/opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd restart


20-11-2008, 23:01
Yep, having the same error (otherwise it wouldn't be in the image :D )
have tried the path variable also, but that didn't work.

didn't you use the fix from the first post??

Finally we need to fix a bug:
Edit /opt/share/www/lighttpd/zussaweb/functions.php and change:

function freediskspace() {
return (round (disk_free_space(disk)/1024/1024,2));


function freediskspace($disk) {
return (round (disk_free_space($disk)/1024/1024,2));

20-11-2008, 23:19
didn't you use the fix from the first post??

Appearantly not :)

Will try this, test this, and update the images, when I have the time.

21-11-2008, 18:33
didn't you use the fix from the first post??

I used this fix, but it didn't have any effect... Anyway even with the bugs in zussaweb, i can work with it and see all that i need to see. Again thanx for the help!

11-01-2009, 18:05

I set up everything like described in the first post, but I always get displayed a 404 error. What's wrong? Even if I want to open a txt-file in the root directory of the webserver it stays the same. The only thing what is sucessful is the index.html.

Can you help?

12-01-2009, 19:54
OK I have found the failure, maybe you should update the tutorial.

cd /opt/share/www/lighttpd/
tar -xzvf /opt/tmp/zussaweb03.tar.gz

Zussaweb has to be copied to /opt/share/www - that is the right document root. As long as it is there no index.html , the webserver points at its own index.html in the lighttpd folder.

12-01-2009, 21:45
OK I have found the failure, maybe you should update the tutorial.

Just checked it... changeset 8127 (http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/8127) indeed changed the document root of lighttpd.

I just updated the fp.

28-03-2009, 17:45
hi when you edit the lighttpd file it says to do this

#fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
# ( "localhost" =>
# (
# "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
# "bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/php"
# )
# )
# )

fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
( "localhost" =>
"socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
"bin-path" => "/opt/bin/php-fcgi"

however in my file it says

## read fastcgi.txt for more info
#fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
# ( "localhost" =>
# (
# "socket" => "/tmp/php-fcgi.sock",
# "bin-path" => "/opt/bin/php-fcgi",
# "bin-environment" => (
# )
# )
# )
# )

so can someone tell me what to delete do i need to delete the whole statement or just part of it thanks

29-03-2009, 15:11
so can someone tell me what to delete do i need to delete the whole statement or just part of it thanks

Well that part of the manual is a bit outdated...

Today if you install php-fcgi, the neccesary settings are automaticly made in /opt/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/10-php-fcgi.conf

It should work out of the box.