Bekijk de volledige versie : Legitimate portforwards blocked/dropped?

06-10-2007, 10:48
I've noticed that there are several legitimate port-forwards in the log, which are supposed to be portforwarded yet they are logged as dropped (I'm only logging dropped packets). Why is that so? The applications that are using these ports seem to be functioning more or less normally (I'm assuming certain connections get dropped).
Also, on a computer (which is utilizing most of these port forwards, including WallWatcher to receive the logs), there are now several outgoing UDP connections to various destinations at port 137 blocked (in its Zone Alarm). There were only a few before, when I was using a cheaper router. What's the reason for this? No other change - except the router - has been made.

07-10-2007, 11:57
Upon further inspection I found out that most of these blocked incoming connections on the ASUS side are more or less from the same IPs that are blocked outgoing to port 137 on the ZoneAlarm side.
Seems the two don't get along well. I'll try if Tiny PF is better...