Bekijk de volledige versie : KFurge Firmware installed ok, but need further help

01-10-2007, 20:11
Hi all,

Ok, finally had enough time to install KFurge's firmware, and just want to say a big thanks to KFurge for getting this going: i finally feel a lot more in control of the "great white brick" - those put off doing so cos of the complexity of install should do so...the instructions where spot on.

So I have a few questions now to move me a long further (my linux knowledge is rather rusty - its been 10years! - but its amazing how satisfying it was to telnet onto the box and vi a file!):

1) having difficulty with sudo: i've created a user account, added it into the /opt/etc/sudoers file (copied the 'root' line entry and renamed for my user) - but in my user account i can't use ipkg to install stuff. doing 'sudo ipkg install' etc gives me a password request box, then repeats that for the command to carry out; i read elsewhere on these forums that the latest version of the sudo package doesn't work right, but an older one does: how do i install that one (ipkg forces me to take the latest)

2) anyone got cups printing going? the principal driver for me in going to the kfurge firmware is not for bit-torrent stuff like many people, but improving upon the cruddy printd print server. so ideally cups is the best solution - can anyone talk me through how it can be done?? and does this work from boot-up unlike printd (as kfurge has listed elsewhere, it needs you to got to the config screen to get it to work properly!!)

3) what's the best media server package to go for? in the next few months i intend to get an xbox360 - keep dropping the wife enough hints!! - so i'd like to get the asus setup ready to go: i'd like to be able to stream music/video etc to the 360, as well as music to itunes as well, so i can manage it via my mac. the options seem to include stuff such as twonky, ushare, gmediaserver, to name but a few: anyone had positive experience on these (ideally it should be free, so twonky may be a 'no') and if so, can talk me through setup

all help welcome

01-10-2007, 20:57
i only know the 2) and how i made it...

i have formated the hd again (with openwrt) than i installed the asus firmware --> than the custom firmware.

then i followed the steps in the guide from kfurge and i don't added the line 5) Add the following line to /opt/etc/ipkg.conf with the newly installed busybox version of vi: "src optware http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable".

and don't made the ikg update. then i made ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/sudo_1.6.8p12-6_mipsel.ipk

then i followed again the steps from kfurge (Step #3, Installing optware packages --> with step 5 --> above what i don't made before).

i think there is a better solution but i don't know it!


01-10-2007, 21:16
i think you meant (1) - but thanks VERY much: that did it...actually didn't need to go the whole hog of starting again from scratch:

basically comment out the 'src optware http://ipkg...blah' in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf,
then do 'ipkg remove sudo' to get rid of the duff version,
'ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/sudo_1.6.8p12-6_mipsel.ipk' to install the good version,
then comment back in the 'src optware...' line in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf,

and it all worked for me (remember: you've uninstalled sudo, so you'll have to re-edit the /opt/etc/sudoers file to add your user privileges again)

great stuff; thanks!

now, anyone want to take a stab at (2) and (3) please...? ;)

02-10-2007, 01:00
I'm going to take a crack at number two tomorrow. I'm pretty fed up with the printd issue. At the very least I need to fix it to get my girlfriend off my back. The old router worked fantastic for printing over the network, and she's already pissed with all the screwing around I do with the new one :).

i think you meant (1) - but thanks VERY much: that did it...actually didn't need to go the whole hog of starting again from scratch:

basically comment out the 'src optware http://ipkg...blah' in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf,
then do 'ipkg remove sudo' to get rid of the duff version,
'ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/sudo_1.6.8p12-6_mipsel.ipk' to install the good version,
then comment back in the 'src optware...' line in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf,

and it all worked for me (remember: you've uninstalled sudo, so you'll have to re-edit the /opt/etc/sudoers file to add your user privileges again)

great stuff; thanks!

now, anyone want to take a stab at (2) and (3) please...? ;)

02-10-2007, 02:42
So when I said tomorrow, I meant tonight. I'm making progress, but am currently stuck with this in my error_log

X [02/Oct/2007:01:36:41 +0000] cupsdDoSelect() failed - Function not implemented!

Google helped me find a couple other people with the same problem, but no solution. Anybody else got this working? I'll post any progress I make.

I'm going to take a crack at number two tomorrow. I'm pretty fed up with the printd issue. At the very least I need to fix it to get my girlfriend off my back. The old router worked fantastic for printing over the network, and she's already pissed with all the screwing around I do with the new one :).

02-10-2007, 20:53
Well, that's a hell of a lot further than me! i'm still struggling to run the damned thing:

* Running /opt/sbin/cupsd says "Child exited with status 1"
* Running /opt/doc/cups/S88cups says "using /opt/lib/modules/printer.o - insmod ELF file not for this architecture"
* Running /opt/doc/cups/S89cups-lpd sits there as if running (separate shell confirms this using 'ps') but can't access the webconfig via ip:631

How have you got things going thus far? what's your .conf file too??

02-10-2007, 21:56
Take a look at your /opt/var/log/cups/error_log to see what's going on with the service. Paste it in here and I'll let you know if I dealt with the same issues. I'm running just by issuing 'sudo /opt/sbin/cupsd'. Also, is my router.

My cupsd.conf:

# "$Id: cupsd.conf.in 6720 2007-07-25 00:40:03Z mike $"
# Sample configuration file for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS)
# scheduler. See "man cupsd.conf" for a complete description of this
# file.

# Log general information in error_log - change "info" to "debug" for
# troubleshooting...
LogLevel info

# Administrator user group...
SystemGroup sys root


# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
Listen /opt/var/run/cups/cups.sock

# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all

# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic

# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow localhost

# Restrict access to the admin pages...
<Location /admin>
Encryption Required
Order allow,deny
Allow localhost

# Restrict access to configuration files...
<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
Allow localhost

# Set the default printer/job policies...
<Policy default>
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
<Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

<Limit All>
Order deny,allow

# End of "$Id: cupsd.conf.in 6720 2007-07-25 00:40:03Z mike $".

Well, that's a hell of a lot further than me! i'm still struggling to run the damned thing:

* Running /opt/sbin/cupsd says "Child exited with status 1"
* Running /opt/doc/cups/S88cups says "using /opt/lib/modules/printer.o - insmod ELF file not for this architecture"
* Running /opt/doc/cups/S89cups-lpd sits there as if running (separate shell confirms this using 'ps') but can't access the webconfig via ip:631

How have you got things going thus far? what's your .conf file too??

03-10-2007, 20:44
yup, stuck with the same error in the errorlog:

-bash-3.2$ sudo /opt/sbin/cupsd
-bash-3.2$ more /opt/var/log/cups/error_log
E [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Unknown SystemGroup "sys root" on line 14, ignoring!
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Listening to 7f00:1:783b:ff7f:::631 (IPv6)
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Listening to (IPv4)
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Listening to /opt/var/run/cups/cups.sock (Domain)
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Listening to (IPv4)
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Loaded configuration file "/opt/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Using default TempDir of /opt/var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Using policy "default" as the default!
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Full reload is required.
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:12 +0000] Loaded MIME database from '/opt/etc/cups': 29 types, 37 filters...
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Loading job cache file "/opt/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Full reload complete.
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/opt/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
E [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for address 7f00:1:783b:ff7f:::631 - Address family not supported by protocol.
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listening to on fd 0...
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listening to /opt/var/run/cups/cups.sock on fd 2...
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listening to on fd 3...
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Resuming new connection processing...
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] cupsdDoSelect() failed - Function not implemented!
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listeners[0] = -1
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listeners[1] = 0
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listeners[2] = 2
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Listeners[3] = 3
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] BrowseSocket = 4
X [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] CGIPipes[0] = 5
E [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
I [03/Oct/2007:19:30:13 +0000] Saving job cache file "/opt/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...

On a different tack, the following:


suggests using S88cups script to start the cups daemon. Doing this always give me the following (after a bit of tinkering with paths, shell etc):

bash-3.2# /opt/etc/init.d/S88cups start
Using /opt/lib/modules/printer.o
insmod: ELF file not for this architecture
insmod: Could not load the module: Success

which begs the question: if this isn't the correct printer.o file...where do i get the correct one??

anyways, this is as far as i can get at the moment: not got the web admin on port 631 going or anything - as far as i can tell, 'ps' doesn't list cupsd so i assume it runs this far and stops.

time to hit google...

03-10-2007, 21:28
Progres...I can get CUPS up and running if I downgrade to version 1.2.12-2 out of the normal optware path - version 1.3 onwards doesn't work...

I can now get the web admin; see the above wiki link (previous post) to add the SSL certificate if you get 403 forbidden when trying to access.

Remaining Question: What's with the printer.o issue listed previously? Haven't fixed that one yet...

Next: get that printer.o sorted, get samba printing up and running, and getting a test page out!!

03-10-2007, 21:34
I think your problem is in your printers.conf
printer.o seems to be ( as far as i remember for parport printing ) this module is not present on your router

you need to set your device to /dev/usb/lp0
here is my printers.conf which worked until i switched to a real network printer

# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.2.7
# Written by cupsd on 2007-05-31 07:39
<DefaultPrinter EPSON_Stylus_COLOR_880_USB_1>
Info EPSON Stylus COLOR 880
Location Local Printer
DeviceURI parallel:/dev/usb/lp0
State Idle
StateTime 1180589970
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer

03-10-2007, 22:20
hmmm. I've put in your exact printers.conf (my printers an epson stylus 760, so an 880 should be close enough ;) but still get the error on printer.o when running S88cups...(the script itself does the insmod)

doing an '/opt/sbin/lpc status' only shows the printer name, no other information, so i'm assuming its not working properly yet...i've got all the samba side of things to do yet for my PC, let alone getting OSX to play nice!

as an aside: do i have to kill of printd or does cups work quite happily alongside it? and is there anything else that i need to know before it'll all work?

many thanks for the help thus far...

04-10-2007, 07:57
try starting cupsd from the commandline as first test.
if this succeds you should add this to your rc.local
I had only a entry like /opt/sbin/cupsd in my rc.local and no S*cups. these scripts are original for *wrt like firmwares which have a different startup-scheme (more sys-v like) so you have a S##cups and K##cups.
the S script runs on startup ( if there are more than one ;) they are started in order of their number ## ) the K script is to kill the process on shutdown or change of runlevel. The asus uses a much more "simpler" approach triggered by a few nested rc scripts. I think the *wrt routers need printer.o but your asus won't. You still nee to install drivers on your clients, because this is a raw printer. Everything is going directly to your printing device. ther is no ghostscript or anything else like this.
I add the cupsd.conf i used so you can take a look.
Encription was not used, because i limited the cupsd to my local network and two VPNs

ServerName wlbox.local
FileDevice No
# Show general information in error_log.
LogLevel info
AutoPurgeJobs Yes
Printcap /opt/etc/printcap
ServerCertificate /opt/etc/cups/ssl/server.crt
ServerKey /opt/etc/cups/ssl/server.key
User cups
Group root
# Allow remote access
Port 631
BrowseProtocols all
BrowseShortNames Yes
# Disable printer sharing and shared printers.
Browsing On
Encryption Never
SystemGroup trusheim
<Location />
Encryption Never
# Allow remote administration...
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL
<Location /classes>
Allow From
Allow From
Allow From
Encryption Never
<Location /classes/name>
Encryption Never
Allow From
Allow From
Allow From
<Location /jobs>
Encryption Never
Allow From
Allow From
Allow From
<Location /printers>
AuthType None
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From None
Allow From All
Encryption Never
<Location /printers/name>
AuthType None
Encryption Never
Allow From
Allow From
Allow From
<Location /admin>
AuthType Basic
AuthClass System
Encryption Never
# Allow remote administration...
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL
# Allow remote access to the configuration files...
<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Basic
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL
<Policy default>
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an adminstrator...
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription
Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All administration operations require an adminstrator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs
Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After
CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default CUPS-Add-Device C
AuthType Basic
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow

04-10-2007, 08:55
excellent...i was wondering if that was the case (i.e. no need for printer.o) before went to get some sleep. looking at the script for S*cups it just tries to load the printer.o module and the runs cupsd anyways, so i'll just scrap all that and go with 'cupsd' as you've stated. as far as i can tell, the printer.o is only really needed for auto-detecting the printer anyways: if you're manually sticking entries into printers.conf then it serves no purpose!!

sounds as if i have it running ok, just need to get the printer installed on the PC (get samba set right) and on the mac (which uses cups itself, so *should* be easier...)

will try it all tonight after work, and post results: when (not if!) its all running i'll write-up a 'how-to' for noobs like myself!

out of curiosity: do you reckon its possible to make both usb ports work as printers (i have two epsons, one photo one normal) ?

04-10-2007, 14:41
So did you find you still had to downgrade to get past the cupsddoselect() error? Also, where did you get 1.2.12-2 and how did you get ipkg to install it? I can only get it to install the latest.

excellent...i was wondering if that was the case (i.e. no need for printer.o) before went to get some sleep. looking at the script for S*cups it just tries to load the printer.o module and the runs cupsd anyways, so i'll just scrap all that and go with 'cupsd' as you've stated. as far as i can tell, the printer.o is only really needed for auto-detecting the printer anyways: if you're manually sticking entries into printers.conf then it serves no purpose!!

sounds as if i have it running ok, just need to get the printer installed on the PC (get samba set right) and on the mac (which uses cups itself, so *should* be easier...)

will try it all tonight after work, and post results: when (not if!) its all running i'll write-up a 'how-to' for noobs like myself!

out of curiosity: do you reckon its possible to make both usb ports work as printers (i have two epsons, one photo one normal) ?

04-10-2007, 16:13
yeh, had to downgrade for it to work properly without the cupsDoSelect() failure: i found somewhere on google that said they had a problem on a debian system with version 1.3.3-1 or some such. basically, i tried 1.2.12 (highest non 1.3 version) and it worked...versions 1.3.0-onwards don't.

to install that specific version (and this is true of any ipkg) comment out the 'src optware..' line in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf, to stop the automatic updating to latest version (comment it back in later!), then do

ipkg remove cups
ipkg remove cups-doc
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups-doc_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

...worked for me anyhow. the cupsd.conf file is slightly different, so start again from the cupsd.conf.default file. will be 4 hours till i get chance to test further, but i'm hopeful it'll be working by end of today...post any info if you get any success!!

04-10-2007, 17:29
Ok, have the web page up now..awesome. Got around the SSL thing by just commenting the authentication line in the cupsd.conf for admin. Now I'm trying to add my printer...no luck so far. Will toy around as I have time today. The default doesn't seem to work and the directions on the wiki don't seem to be helping. My printer seems to show up as /dev/usb/lp1 so I've set that in the printers.conf. Still no go. I'll update as I can.

UPDATE: Ok, I created lp0 and chmod 777. My printer now spews junk when I print the test page. Progress!
UPDATE: Ok, so I reinstalled cupsd based on some comments I saw for similar problems. The Admin page now sees my printer and I can add it. Great! But now when I try to print the test page I get:

Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!

Arg! Some other places had a 'solution' to this which involved uncommenting some lines in the mime.convs file. I tried this to no avail. Did you have any luck on your end Neil?

UPDATE: I installed hpijs (I have an HP printer) and loaded the correct driver for my printer. And NOW when I try to print the test page, all I get is an error in my error_log:

PID 1887 (/opt/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 2!

Dunno if this is progress or not. I'll keep plugging away.

yeh, had to downgrade for it to work properly without the cupsDoSelect() failure: i found somewhere on google that said they had a problem on a debian system with version 1.3.3-1 or some such. basically, i tried 1.2.12 (highest non 1.3 version) and it worked...versions 1.3.0-onwards don't.

to install that specific version (and this is true of any ipkg) comment out the 'src optware..' line in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf, to stop the automatic updating to latest version (comment it back in later!), then do

ipkg remove cups
ipkg remove cups-doc
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups-doc_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

...worked for me anyhow. the cupsd.conf file is slightly different, so start again from the cupsd.conf.default file. will be 4 hours till i get chance to test further, but i'm hopeful it'll be working by end of today...post any info if you get any success!!

07-10-2007, 21:19
Sounds like progress maccro, even if not there yet! How did you get it to detect your printer? and if so, can you list your .conf file/steps to reinstall cupsd...?

I've not had chance to get near the printer for a few days after a bout of man-flu, but have your tried instead of doing a test page, doign what the wiki suggests in (6) in the troubleshooting (step 4 onwards) with regards to seeing if you can send a raw file to the printer, then test cups, then samba printing? also what about the bit near the bottom about usb printing, in order to get a direct URL for the printer? does this work for you??

i'll probably crack back onto this in a day or two

08-10-2007, 18:02
use your asus-cupsd a a raw printer! install your driver (HP ?) on your windows/mac/linux system and install the printer in windows with internet printing (ipp) as your printing device (networked or shared printer) i don't now the exakt terms in windows, because i only have acces to a localized version (german).

A Mac is able to install this printer with its own cups version. (localhost:631 , gimpprint hp,http or ip printing on IP.OF.YOUR.ROUTER ).

I wouldn't even consider to run the rendering part of the driver on our poor wl700g, unless you have boosted it up to at least 500Mhz and 128MB of RAM, remember rendering printer pages is very RAM-intensive at least 300x300 Pixel x 8x11 inches x 3 Bytes per Pixel which is aprox. 22MB. this means 1 third of the total physical RAM (600dpi gives you 90MB :( ) . Not including system , damons, postscript source and interpreter ( incl. heap etc...). Using a raw printer means just patching everyting through. ( OK, parking on hdd and spooling :) )

By the way you don't need samba printing to print on your windows box. internet printing should do the trick

cu harald

08-10-2007, 21:22
cheers harald, that's how i thought it should work...effectively as a raw pass-through to the device: the formatting is done by the windows driver etc

now, this'd be great except in cups (localhost:631) i now get "Printer not connected...trying again in 30seconds" all the time. rebooted, powered down etc, but no change. printer is on, and i've tried both usb ports on the back as well (which one is lp0? can't remember!)

i've tried logging into the box, and doing a "cat file.txt > /dev/usb/lp0" but nowt happens... which says to me its something more fundamental than cupsd. do i have to have printing on anyways via the normal asus webpage?

all help appreciated, harald, as you seem to be one of the few who has it up-n-running successfully!

08-10-2007, 22:44

success! (of sorts)

ok, the usb detection just didn't work for me: always saying trying again in 30secs. so i used:


for my Epson Stylus color 760, the above string of which should be output from lpstat -v (which doesn't work on my asus). google around and find the right one for your printer i guess.

the 'of sorts' comment is because despite the successful windows test page printed, my text is a bit wobbly and the graphics are a bit off! - now i believe this is just cos the printers a bit old and past it : i was using it so i didn't get stacks of wasted prints on the 'good' photo printer that i intend to hook up to it! just reporting in case anyone else sees similar.

but it looks good: windows printing no bother using IPP, so i assume the OSX will be a doddle too (via native cups). i'll get the photo printer going tomorrow night and report successes.

still don't know why the usb:/dev/usb/lp0 doesn't work tho...

09-10-2007, 21:23
UPDATE: Double-success!

Right, i've got BOTH printers working...at the same time!
The command you need is:


run this, and it should give you something like (for my two printers plugged in)

direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R300 "EPSON Stylus Photo R300" ...blah
direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20COLOR%20760 "EPSON Stylus COLOR 760" ...blah

basically, go to the cups admin page, add a printer, (or just edit the printers.conf file) and add the usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R300 as the URI for the device instead of usb:/dev/usb/lp0 - restart cupsd obviously! ( i find 'cupsd restart' doesn't always work for me - i just kill the job and create a new one!)

well it works for me anyways. I've yet to put it all together in rc.local and stuff yet - when i'm all done, i'll write it up in an easy-no-messing-stylee - but i have a few non-cups questions:

* i seem to now have a problem with my asus on power up - for some reason, i can't telnet straight onto it: i go into the web admin and do a reboot, then all is ok. any ideas?? it was saying photo album/media server all disabled, even though they were ticked in the appropriate page. when i went into that page it said 'no share, you want to create one' or some such !!

12-10-2007, 16:52
Thanks for the updates. I'm still struggling. Did you install the Foomatic drivers? No matter what I do I get "/opt/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed" when trying to print the test page.

Update: I removed the foomatic crap and just added the printer as raw. It now spews junk again when I do the test page. I've added the printer with the proper drivers in Windows, but nothing happens when I print. Nada. So frustrating.

UPDATE: Double-success!

Right, i've got BOTH printers working...at the same time!
The command you need is:


run this, and it should give you something like (for my two printers plugged in)

direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R300 "EPSON Stylus Photo R300" ...blah
direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20COLOR%20760 "EPSON Stylus COLOR 760" ...blah

basically, go to the cups admin page, add a printer, (or just edit the printers.conf file) and add the usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R300 as the URI for the device instead of usb:/dev/usb/lp0 - restart cupsd obviously! ( i find 'cupsd restart' doesn't always work for me - i just kill the job and create a new one!)

well it works for me anyways. I've yet to put it all together in rc.local and stuff yet - when i'm all done, i'll write it up in an easy-no-messing-stylee - but i have a few non-cups questions:

* i seem to now have a problem with my asus on power up - for some reason, i can't telnet straight onto it: i go into the web admin and do a reboot, then all is ok. any ideas?? it was saying photo album/media server all disabled, even though they were ticked in the appropriate page. when i went into that page it said 'no share, you want to create one' or some such !!

13-10-2007, 00:25
As for the telnet issue...is the telnetd running after a power cylce? I know that when I power cycle , it is very different from doing a 'reboot'. I have to power cycle in order for my rc.local to execute properly.

As an aside, I'm using dropbear for ssh and killing the telnetd (using the how-to on dropbear located in the how-to section). SSH is much more secure than telnet, especially if you plan to open your wl700 to the outside world (which is my plan at some point). As for your other issues, I've not experience those since I don't utilize those features.

UPDATE: Double-success!

Right, i've got BOTH printers working...at the same time!
The command you need is:


run this, and it should give you something like (for my two printers plugged in)

direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R300 "EPSON Stylus Photo R300" ...blah
direct usb://EPSON/Stylus%20COLOR%20760 "EPSON Stylus COLOR 760" ...blah

basically, go to the cups admin page, add a printer, (or just edit the printers.conf file) and add the usb://EPSON/Stylus%20Photo%20R300 as the URI for the device instead of usb:/dev/usb/lp0 - restart cupsd obviously! ( i find 'cupsd restart' doesn't always work for me - i just kill the job and create a new one!)

well it works for me anyways. I've yet to put it all together in rc.local and stuff yet - when i'm all done, i'll write it up in an easy-no-messing-stylee - but i have a few non-cups questions:

* i seem to now have a problem with my asus on power up - for some reason, i can't telnet straight onto it: i go into the web admin and do a reboot, then all is ok. any ideas?? it was saying photo album/media server all disabled, even though they were ticked in the appropriate page. when i went into that page it said 'no share, you want to create one' or some such !!

15-10-2007, 11:54
Cheers for the advice Maccro - it seems as if my rc.local is NOT running from power cycle, yet when i do the reboot its all ok. Weird! Not had chance to look at it over the weekend, but I might just reset the settings and try again - it had been working fine until i messed with stuff in the web interface (i think i switched off media/photo servers and download master stuff; cos don't need any of that!); and yes i intend to use SSH pretty soon anyways cos i'm gonna get the box so i can connect from work.

As for the printers: mine's fine and all working now as said before: didn't need any drivers on the box (i.e no foomatic etc) only cups, and set the printer up both via the web page and printers.conf.

Few things to try:
1) are you doing the 'print test page' from windows or from cups webpage? i only did the former: i read somewhere that the latter might be iffy.
2) what do you get when you run /opt/lib/cups/backend/usb ?
3) what printer model you trying to get working? as far as i can tell, you just want cups to be acting as a print spool, passing the print file direct to the printer with no drivers installed on the asus box - all the work is done at the windows end.
4) what message you getting in the error log (if any) when you print?

If i think of anything else useful, i'll post it...not that you want to hear it, but for me the asus is becomming a pretty damned good box now: having both printers connected up is exactly what i neeeded. thoroughly recommend ditching the inbuilt printer server and using cups....

09-12-2007, 18:33

I am trying to create a network printer which connects to WL-700gE via USB, but I have not been successed fully yet. My printer is Canon Pxima iP1000, I know so it is on the list of supported printers of ASUS WL-700gE.

I use kfurge custom firmware and did these steps:

1. ipkg install cups
ipkg install cups-doc

2. I did not change original /opt/etc/cups/printers.conf file, because I know so it is not necessary and I do not know exact string I should write in DefaultPrinter tag. Here is my printer.conf:

# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.1.23
# Written by cupsd on Thu Feb 3 01:11:29 2005
<DefaultPrinter hp990c>
Info HP990c
DeviceURI parallel:/dev/lp0
State Idle
Accepting Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0

3. I changed permission of lp0:

chmod 777 /dev/usb/lp0

( and chmod 777 /dev/lp0)

4. Copied S88cups:

cp /opt/doc/cups/S88cups /opt/etc/init.d

5. Set up my /opt/etc/cups/cupsd.conf (only uncommented lines):

LogLevel info
User administrator
Group users

Browsing On
BrowseProtocols all
BrowseAddress @LOCAL
BrowseShortNames Yes
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowsePort 631

<Location />
Order Allow,Deny
Deny From All
Allow From
Allow From

<Location /printers>
AuthType None
Order Allow,Deny
Deny From None
Allow From All

<Location /admin>
AuthType None
#AuthClass System

Order Allow, Deny
#Deny From All
Allow From
Allow From

#Encryption Required

6. I changed my /opt/etc/init.d/S88cups, because in my oppinion /dev/usb/lp0 path is the correct one instead of /dev/lp0: I corrected /dev/lp0 (you can see original lines as uncommented lines) to /dev/usb/lp0. Here is my S88cups:

# Startup script for cups as standalone server

# Make sure the device has a /dev entry
# Make device if not present (not devfs)
#if ( [ ! -c /dev/lp0 ] ) then
# Make /dev/net directory if needed
# mknod /dev/lp0 c 180 0

if ( [ ! -c /dev/usb/lp0 ] ) then
# Make /dev/net directory if needed
mknod /dev/usb/lp0 c 180 0

# Make sure the printer driver is running
if ( !(lsmod | grep "^printer" -q) ); then
insmod /opt/lib/modules/printer.o

if [ -n "`pidof cupsd`" ]; then
/bin/killall cupsd 2>/dev/null


My experiences:

1. If I run /opt/etc/init.d/S88cups, I received: "syntax error". That's why I run simply: cupsd (it is equivalent /opt/sbin/cupsd) - so I do not get any error message.

2. I am not able to see cupsd in process list (I use ps command) and I cannot connect to cupsd web admin interface ( However, I can see my printer in WL-700gE admin page (under Connected Printers).

3. I have successfuly installed the printer as Network Printer on my desktop computer (WinXP). Status is online. Despite of this good result, I cannot print and my spool is empty, I do not received nothing, if I release:

ls /shares/MYVOLUME1/__var/spool/lp0

I see in printer queue my job (under Windows XP), but printer does not print document. Then I can see "Error - Printing" status.

Finally, here is my /opt/var/log/cups/error_log

A.) if cupsd.conf contains "Listen":

I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Listening to (IPv4)
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Polling
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Loaded configuration file "/opt/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Using default TempDir of /opt/var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Creating CUPS default administrative policy:
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] <Policy default>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Cancel-Job Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-S
ubscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Order Deny,Allow
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] </Limit>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Curren
t-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule
-Job-After CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Order Deny,Allow
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] AuthType Default
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Require user @SYSTEM
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] </Limit>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] <Limit All>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Order Deny,Allow
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] </Limit>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] </Policy>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Full reload is required.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Loaded MIME database from '/opt/etc/cups': 29 types, 37 filters...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Loading job cache file "/opt/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Full reload complete.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/opt/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] Listening to on fd 0...
X [09/Dec/2007:18:17:39 +0000] No Listen or Port lines were found to allow access via localhost!

B.) if cupsd.conf contains Listen "":

I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Listening to (IPv4)
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Polling
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Loaded configuration file "/opt/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Using default TempDir of /opt/var/spool/cups/tmp...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Configured for up to 100 clients.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Creating CUPS default administrative policy:
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] <Policy default>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Cancel-Job Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-S
ubscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Order Deny,Allow
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] </Limit>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Curren
t-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule
-Job-After CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Order Deny,Allow
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] AuthType Default
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Require user @SYSTEM
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] </Limit>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] <Limit All>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Order Deny,Allow
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] </Limit>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] </Policy>
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Full reload is required.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Loaded MIME database from '/opt/etc/cups': 29 types, 37 filters...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Loading job cache file "/opt/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Full reload complete.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/opt/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Listening to on fd 0...
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Resuming new connection processing...
E [09/Dec/2007:18:14:56 +0000] Need to set BrowseLDAPDN to use LDAP browsing!
X [09/Dec/2007:18:14:57 +0000] cupsdDoSelect() failed - Function not implemented!
X [09/Dec/2007:18:14:57 +0000] Listeners[0] = 0
X [09/Dec/2007:18:14:57 +0000] BrowseSocket = 2
X [09/Dec/2007:18:14:57 +0000] CGIPipes[0] = 4
E [09/Dec/2007:18:14:57 +0000] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
I [09/Dec/2007:18:14:57 +0000] Saving job cache file "/opt/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...

Could kfurge or anybody else help me?

10-12-2007, 08:59
I'll have a look at my setup when i get back from work etc - although might be a day or two.

For now, a couple of observations...

1) i never used the S88cups method for me - just ran cupsd straight and was fine for me...its still working entirely happy in accordance with everything i've done previously in this thread.

2) i got no success using parallel:/dev/usb/lp0 - instead i ran /opt/lib/cups/backend/usb then used the first string out of there (the usb://EPSON/... for my epson printer, obviously yours will differ); no matter what i tried couldn't seem to work with parallel:/dev/usb/lp0 or similar. again, see previously in thread

3) if you can't access the cupsd web interface then i guess your access rights are not correct - can't see anything wrong in your file, but i'll print a copy of mine so you can see; i think i used maccro's as previously posted in this thread as a starting point. of course, this is assuming that cupsd is running (oh, and i noticed in your S88 that the first line is /bin/sh, which i changed to /opt/bin/bash or wherever it ends up)

hope this helps for now...i found setting up CUPS to be a royal pain in the ass, but now its working its been extremely reliable, and not had to change anything since: works from PC, from OSX, 2 printers running at same time, all hunky dory.

10-12-2007, 20:37
I'll have a look at my setup when i get back from work etc - although might be a day or two.

For now, a couple of observations...

1) i never used the S88cups method for me - just ran cupsd straight and was fine for me...its still working entirely happy in accordance with everything i've done previously in this thread.

2) i got no success using parallel:/dev/usb/lp0 - instead i ran /opt/lib/cups/backend/usb then used the first string out of there (the usb://EPSON/... for my epson printer, obviously yours will differ); no matter what i tried couldn't seem to work with parallel:/dev/usb/lp0 or similar. again, see previously in thread

3) if you can't access the cupsd web interface then i guess your access rights are not correct - can't see anything wrong in your file, but i'll print a copy of mine so you can see; i think i used maccro's as previously posted in this thread as a starting point. of course, this is assuming that cupsd is running (oh, and i noticed in your S88 that the first line is /bin/sh, which i changed to /opt/bin/bash or wherever it ends up)

hope this helps for now...i found setting up CUPS to be a royal pain in the ass, but now its working its been extremely reliable, and not had to change anything since: works from PC, from OSX, 2 printers running at same time, all hunky dory.

First of all, thank you for your help. I was considering your advices and I did the folowing steps:

1. You are right and I agree with you: I also do not use S88cups, I have ran /opt/sbin/cupsd (just simply: cuspd) until now. I was very curious you are right or not: you mentioned I should replace the 1st line of S88cups to #/opt/bin/bash. I had not been convinced, since I had seen 1st lines of other files in /opt/etc/init.d (sorry I needed some evidence), and I generally found simple #/bin/sh lines, but I trust you and I tried #/opt/bin/bash.
I ran /opt/etc/init.d/S88cups and I received:

Using /opt/lib/modules/printer.o
insmod: ELF file not for this architecture
insmod: Could not load the module: Success
cupsd: Child exited on signal 15!

As I read your previously post. Do I have to downgrade cupsd anyway, if I want to works that? I must say I would not like to downgrade.

I think S88cups is a dead end, it is not too important, since simple cupsd is working.

2. I got a little result: I successfully ran /opt/lib/cups/backend/usb

I received this:

direct usb://Canon/iP1000 "Canon iP1000" "Canon iP1000 USB #2" "MFG:Canon;CMD:BJL,HAPS,BSCCe;MDL:iP1000;CLS:PRINTE R;DES:Canon iP1000;VER:1.00;STA:1

I reuse this string in my printers.conf (I commented old lines):
# Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.1.23
# Written by cupsd on Thu Feb 3 01:11:29 2005
#<DefaultPrinter hp990c>
#Info HP990c
<DefaultPrinter CANON_Pixma_iP1000_USB_1>
Info Canon Pixma iP1000
#DeviceURI parallel:/dev/usb/lp0
DeviceURI usb://Canon/iP1000 "Canon iP1000" "Canon iP1000 USB #2" "MFG:Canon;CMD:BJL,HAPS,BSCCe;MDL:iP1000;CLS:PRINTE R;DES:Canon iP1000;VE
State Idle
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy stop-printer

However, nothing result. What could I do wrong?

I am not able to see cupsd process (after ps command), to print as well not access cups web admin interface via port 631.

Could you help me?

11-12-2007, 14:09
Still not made it to my box to check, but thoughts:

1) deviceURI just needs to be 'usb://Canon/iP1000' not all the other stuff

2) the "Using /opt/lib/modules/printer.o" and related errors just after, can be ignored - its trying to load the printer driver directly, and you don't need this as the PC will be doing the driving...all you're actually doing is passing the data through and onto the usb.

3) your problem is nothing to do with the printer at all at this stage: so it almost doesn't matter what you stick into printers.conf, as the problem is when running cupsd its not running in bckground when you type 'ps'...

you MUST downgrade the cups system to the last version before 1.3 (see earlier in thread) - if you don't you won't get any further. do that before anything else!! (i.e. simply getting the latest version won't work)

11-12-2007, 21:34
Hi neil,

thank you for your newer help.

1. Meantime I figured out I need short version of DeviceURI string. After I had send my latest post I tried that and changed my printers.conf

2. OK, I guessed I have to downgrade my cups. But I did not find here (http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/) except the latest version is accessible (older version are not), that's why I had to looked for another version:

ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/unslung/wl500g/cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

but ipkg overwrite my command and install the latest version:

The solution is very simple, I had to change my ipkg.conf, here is mine:

#src optware http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable
src unslung http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/unslung/wl500g/
dest root /

And I have succesfully installed v1.2.12-2. I overwrited cupsd.conf and printers.conf iles with my own, and started cupsd. However, I have got stucked because I get same error message like you:

Using /opt/lib/modules/printer.o
insmod: ELF file not for this architecture
insmod: Could not load the module: Success
ELF: not found

And I am not able to start cups. I feel it is a back step. :-(

12-12-2007, 11:48
yes, all that information with regards to ipkg is at the start of the thread...go back and have a look!

also, DO NOT use your .conf files from the cups version 1.3 (latest version) with the one you now have installed (12.2 if i remember correctly). they have different fields in, if i remember rightly.

as for the printer.o thing: i thought you only got this when running S88cups, not just cupsd straight (i.e. /opt/sbin/cupsd or wherever it is) forget about S88cups etc etc

ensure you are definately running version 12.2, and check the cupsd error log (again, go back to the start of this thread and read the messages I/Maccro had then - if you get cupsDoSelect() failed or somesuch then you have problems: this went away with version 12.2)

i don't know why you feel it is a backwards step: version 1.3 WILL NOT WORK - you're on the right track: just keep at it - try re-reading the early parts of this thread, cos that's the bit that concerns getting cupsd running (which is your current problem i think - not getting cupsd to appear in 'ps'); the latter part was getting to actually print anything!!

if you want, next time you post, list down the EXACT steps you are doing to run it, and a copy of your errorlog (not what gets printed out to screen) - might help work out where its going wrong: don't forget to clear the log before running it tho!! good luck

14-12-2007, 21:07
Hi neil,

thank you for your tolerance, I will promise I won't give up. Last time I did not notice a very important thing: I was trying to install cups 1.2.12, but my ipkg install command was overwritten, I do not know why, and v1.3 had been installed automatically.
I thought I would be tricky, if I tried offline installation:

ipkg -o /shares/MYVOLUME1/MYSHARE1 install cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

(Of course, before I release this command I had copied cups and cups-doc ipk files to /shares/MYVOLUME1/MYSHARE1)

System message:

Installing cups (1.2.12-2) to root...
Nothing to be done
An error ocurred, return value: 1.
Collected errors:
ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for cups:
libjpeg libpng libtiff openssl zlib

But I had installed these dependent packages.

So I stucked again. Do you think the problem is I should not install "unslung" version of cups? Main issue is "optware" version of cups v 1.2.12 is not available (only 1.3).

Have you got any idea how I can download "optware" version of cups v 1.2.12? I have not found yet.

14-12-2007, 21:26
The way to switch to the optware repository is:
1a) either

cat > /opt/etc/ipkg.conf << _eof
src/gz optware http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable
dest /opt/ /
1b) or install oleg's -8 firmware
2) reinstall all the packsges starting from uclibc-opt and ipkg-opt
P.S. Sorry, there is no easier way :(

15-12-2007, 21:45

I appriciate your help, but I do not want to switch my current repository (permanently), because I am very satisfied with kfurge custom firmware (based Oleg's optware repository). I think cups is a valuable feature, but not such important. Truthfully I do not want to remove+reinstall ipkg packages, since they work very well.

I hope I will be able to find cups v1.2.xx ipkg package or at least earlier than v.1.3.xx. Nobody has got archive ipkg optware packages? Please, share that!

17-12-2007, 11:46
simple way around all this:

1) uninstall you current cups version

2) comment out the lines from your ipkg.conf file for 'src' etc (i just put a '#' in front for now). THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY!

3) do the ipkg-install but specify the full path to the .ipk, e.g. http://ipkg.nslu2...etc etc etc

4) this should (SHOULD) install everything as you expect...you can now uncomment the src line in the ipkg.conf file.

worked for me...if not, then any dependencies not satisfied should also be added, then go back and repeat step 2 onwards...again, see the early part of the thread as i covered this then. I found I had to do the commenting out otherwise ipkg always chose the latest version (which as stated before doesn't work!)

good luck...

17-12-2007, 21:42
Hi neil,

thanx for your tip. I commented out all lines beginning "src" word, after that I was be able to install my version of cups by ipkg offline installation. Before cups installation I had done these steps:

ipkg update

ipkg install libjpeg

ipkg install libtiff

ipkg install openssl

ipkg install zlib

And finally:

ipkg -o /shares/MYVOLUME1/MYSHARE1 install cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

However, I always get this error message:

ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for cups-doc:
libjpeg libpng libtiff openssl zlib

Hence I deduce I should use optware version (do not forget that I tried to install unslung version), but I do not have that. :(

Neil, could you attached your optware cups and cups-doc ipkg packages in your next post?

18-12-2007, 08:53
again, see the previous post: do EXACTLY as it says in step 3...i.e. not the path to some local directory on your box, use the full path to http://blah-de-blah (can't remember the url of top of head).

i believe the ipkg then looks locally from that address for the other stuff and you're all set. well, it worked for me. if you can't get that to work, sorry i'm at end of what i can help you with: haven't got ipkgs to send, it all just worked for me in accordance to what i've listed in this whole thread...the only thing i can say is go back and do EXACTLY what it says: don't make assumtions - try and follow it word-for-word.

particularly, see post #15 in this thread

ipkg remove cups-doc
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups-doc_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

these are the exact commands i used after commenting out the '#' from ipkg.conf: if you can't get these to work, then sorry, i'm out of ideas...

18-12-2007, 20:54
again, see the previous post: do EXACTLY as it says in step 3...i.e. not the path to some local directory on your box, use the full path to http://blah-de-blah (can't remember the url of top of head).

i believe the ipkg then looks locally from that address for the other stuff and you're all set. well, it worked for me. if you can't get that to work, sorry i'm at end of what i can help you with: haven't got ipkgs to send, it all just worked for me in accordance to what i've listed in this whole thread...the only thing i can say is go back and do EXACTLY what it says: don't make assumtions - try and follow it word-for-word.

particularly, see post #15 in this thread

ipkg remove cups-doc
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk
ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups-doc_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

these are the exact commands i used after commenting out the '#' from ipkg.conf: if you can't get these to work, then sorry, i'm out of ideas...

Hi neil,

do not get hurt me, I did exactly what you write me. But what is the point if I release this command:

ipkg install http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/cups_1.2.12-2_mipsel.ipk

Please, understand my problem these archive does not exists! Of course, I get error 404: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found. Try it, click on URL, if you cannot believe me.
That is why I tried to ask you to send me your original ipkg files if you able to do. I see now you do not have cups and cups-doc v1.2.12.xx files, however until I cannot get these I am not able to install cups v1.2.12.xx even you repeat always I should execute exactly commands located in previous posts.

19-12-2007, 13:54
ok, so simply put they're not there. dunno then, cos i aint got 'em anymore...
anyone know where the old versions of ipkgs for oleg/optware etc go? cos without that, no cups on wl700g ;(

26-12-2007, 14:48

I have successfully got source of cups v1.2.12. I could not attach it, because there is an attached file size limitation, but you can find it here: http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/cups/1.2.12/

As well I do not know exactly how I can compile it (after I unpacked archive).

03-01-2008, 21:02

Sorry to leave you hanging - got a bit stressed pre-xmas so sorry for any terse posts: i know how helpless i felt when i couldn't get it working...

so, i still can't find the original 1.2.12-2 cups .ipk that you need (NOTE TO KFURGE: if you plan on adding cups support into the next firmware release you'll need to find this version of cups as its the only one i had any success with on the wl700), but the next best thing i can do is zip up the appropriate diectories from my white box with the cupsd binary and my printers.conf file and you can mess with them from there...i'm guessing do a standard latest cups install, and then over-write with these files?

don't know for sure how it'll all work on your end as i don't know exactly what files were in the .ipk, so if it fails, let me know (don't expect anything quick tho as i'm somewhat overworked at the moment!!)

let me know how you get on...

05-01-2008, 02:21
KFURGE: if you plan on adding cups support into the next firmware release you'll need to find this version of cups as its the only one i had any success with on the wl700

Thanks for the heads-up since cups is definitely on the list in-leiu of printd.

- K.C.

06-01-2008, 21:08
Hi neil,

first of all let me say a big thanx for your attached files. I copied those to proper directories and set up printers.conf and cupsd.conf, however has no effect. Moreover, cups log mechanism is not working, because I had been starting cups, I did not find new entries in /opt/var/log/cups/error_log file.
Unfortunately, your good "bypass" idea is not working.
Kfurge, may I ask you to compile cupsd v1.2.12-2 source and publicize (in this thread) the ipk (cups and cups-doc)? I think I mentioned the proper URL above, but here is the official:


Thank you!

06-01-2008, 21:37
Kfurge, may I ask you to compile cupsd v1.2.12-2 source and publicize (in this thread) the ipk (cups and cups-doc)?

I've never made an ipk and am busy working on an firmware image at the moment. I think the better solution is to figure out why the latest package doesn't work and fix that rather than hold on to the past...

Since CUPS is on my to-do list, and I need it also for my linux laptop to print, I'll eventually get it working.

- K.C.

29-01-2008, 21:44
I agree KC - try and get the latest package to work; in fact, as of Nov2007 the specific bug (cupsDoSelect() failed) seems to have been fixed

i'm looking into doing exactly this, but i don't hold out much hope of this happening any time soon due to various time constraints: i am however able to build optware packages on my PC now under vmware, so at least this is progress of sorts.

but for those who need it desperately (i'm aiming this at you metamorphose !) here's a tarball of ALL my cups related files from my working install under old firmware (

in the process of moving over to the (awesome) new firmware from KC, i started with a clean 'opt' as per the instructions - thus losing my vital cups install (my wife needs the printer all the time), so i've taken ALL the cups references from my old opt, tar'd them up, and then done 'tar xvf cups_opt.tar.gz' from directory '/shares/MYVOLUME1'.

And it just works straight off. Ok, so its got my printers set up in it, but read the whole of this thread, and you should be able to get your own working in no time. Ok ok, so its not the latest and greatest, its not a proper optware package, and its probably got a bunch of files in there that aren't necessary, but it should fill the hole for those who need it out there.

UPDATE: damn! file limit = 1mb, and its a 2.6mb .tar.gz: i'll upload it somewhere tomorrow, and then update this posting then. agghhh! its never easy when you're in a rush!