How about adding mkdir root and home to and then we could mount -o bind them, like /opt, so they can become real dirs on the hard drive ? Or at least for only /home and add a link from /root to what could become /home/root on the hard drive. With a real /home we could have multiple persistent user accounts on the hard drive in some kind of standard place. Perhaps some fancy linking could make them usable from the various web/ftp/cifs servers.

On a similar related note, would you, or anyone out there, be interested in cooperating with the ASUS code pushed into a subversion repository, and also using a wiki for notes ?

I suspect if a few of us could coop on the same codebase then we could accelerate development. I've managed to build the ASUS codebase and I hope to try it out today. I think at least 2 other users have built the codebase too so there could be 1/2 folks that could build the firmware and test the results.