
I followed the tutorial at http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=7643 in setting up screen in order that I may install enhanced c-torrent.

However I got stuck after installing "screen". What i did is as follows (using sudo bash):
1. ipkg install -force-overwrite ncurses
2. ipkg install -force-overwrite ncursesw
3. ipkg install -force-overwrite termcap
4. ipkg install -force-overwrite screen

The above steps completed without errors.

However when i execute "screen", i get the message:
could not write to /opt/var/run/utmp : bad file descriptor

So i went ahead to "touch /opt/var/run/utmp" to create utmp.

No good. I tried creating utmp as a directory in /opt/var/run/ as well but no difference.

What am i doing wrong?

Would appreciate any advice.
