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Thread: Understanding and debugging Transmission [oleo?]

  1. #46

    Transmission as root

    In the web interface of transmission:

    My links: "source" "work" and "target" are not valid.
    (Also "URL" doesn't work)

    Is it because my username is root instead of admin?

    Where can I correct it?

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    This depends on your http daemon. If you are using busybox_httpd then there is no autodir feature and links are preaty useless. If thttpd is used the you can create symlinks to directories and enable follow symlinks in config. Same goes to other servers. Anyway this links are not regarded as a feature but rather useless convenience.

  3. #48

    How can I thank you!

    Thanks a lot (Oleg and Wengi)!

    Both of you do a very nice job.
    How can I be thankful to you?

  4. #49

    Unhappy Transmission: Some torrents go missing


    sometimes, i put transmission pushing a torrent file. After a few hours or on the next day, when i go see how it is, the torrent simply is missing on the list and the folder where it should go (inside the target folder) is simply empty No file at all...Anyone with the same strange events?

  5. #50
    I haven't had this problem before. Are you running on an older version of transmission maybe?

    The most annoying problem with transmission i have encountered so far are:

    -Sometimes the download stops although there are enough seeders. (i solve it by hitting the 'push' button twice. active->suspended->active)

    It looks like 'transmission' doesn't like to encounter some type of errors. If it does it just stops. i am on transmission version 0.7+r2295-2

    I am planning to go back to enhanced-ctorrent when seaky's sctcs version 1.0 web front end is final.
    Last edited by avberk; 16-07-2007 at 17:02.

  6. #51
    Maybe your are right. My version is 0.7+r1874-1. I do have that same problem of torrents stopping sometimes

    I did try to make the upgrade (using ipkg upgrade), but i got the message:

    Nothing to be done
    Successfully terminated.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    This is a known problem that occurs only if you upgrade in the middle of torrent download. I suggest to copy torrent back to source, purge stalled torrent and start freshly.

    Versions after r1888 changed file checkup to serializing.

  8. #53

    Transmission. Other user than root?

    I tried to use another user than root or admin by adapting
    transmision.conf, but...

    After i reboot the wl500g and start a torrent, the files are still
    owned by de root/admin user.

    Am i doing something wrong?

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    work files should be owned by root. watchdog changes to user specified.

  10. #55
    Hi Oleo,

    I want to be able to delete those files via ftp, but since
    i cannot use the root user for an ftp (vsftpd) connection i also cannot delete those torrent files via ftp.

    Do you have an idea how i can solve this ftp dillema?

  11. #56

    Transmission - downloadinig torrent gives I/O error

    I was happy to see a working log, plot and transmission deamons after a few setup problems, but now I get the following error in the transmission list "Error: Generic I/O error Start: 02 Aug 08:50 uploaded: 0.0 MB".

    If i look in the list just after starting the watchdog and pressing update then the list shows the following status line
    `KNOPPIX_V5.1.1DVD-2007-01-04-DE Progress: 0.00 %, 9 peers, dl from 0 (0.00 KB/s), ul to 0 (0.00 KB/s) Start: 02 Aug 08:50 uploaded: 0.0 MB`

    I looked in the transmission log and there is only one line added since the start of the torrent:
    "Aug 2 08:50:58 transmissiond[392]: Starting torrent /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/KNOPPIX_V5.1.1DVD-2007-01-04-DE/KNOPPIX_V5.1.1DVD-2007-01-04-DE.torrent
    Aug 2 08:51:07 transmissiond[392]: Fatal error, stopping download (-2147483584)"

    What could be wrong?
    I use Oleg version and all packages are re-installed for ipkg-opt with the following feed:

    Please help!

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I suggest that you erase all files from $WORK, move .torrent to $SOURCE and start over. I've seen this issue once during upgrade in the middle. And recent changes to fast resume are completelly different so it is also recommended to erase $WORK/.transmission/cache files.
    All this should be done when daemon is paused.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Here is a watchdog snippet that should be clear enough.
    move_to_target ()
        debug "Move to target"
        mkdir -p "${DEST}"
        chmod 775 "${DEST}"                            
        grep -q ${GROUP} /etc/group && chgrp ${GROUP} "${DEST}"
        grep -q ${USER} /etc/passwd && chown ${USER} "${DEST}"
        cd "${TORRENT%/*}"
        grep -q ${GROUP} /etc/group && chgrp ${GROUP} * .info .status
        grep -q ${USER} /etc/passwd && chown ${USER} * .info .status
        chmod 775 * .info .status
        notice "Moving files to: ${DEST}"
        mv * .info .status "${DEST}"
        chmod 775 "${DEST}"
    So If you do not have proper group and user in /etc/passwd and /etc/group then changing permissions will not be taken. If tou use Oleg firmware then you shout have /etc/passwd and /etc/group specified in /usr/local/.files

    I suggest to have the same group in ftp clients. Leave owner admin. chgrp and chown should have -R for recursion. Will chenge this in future releases.

  14. #59
    Thanks for the quick response!

    I erased the files with transmission in pause mode, but it doesn´t seem to fix my problem.

  15. #60
    I forgot to mention that I also opened the incoming ports on the firewall.

    I just wonder why I get the I/O error when the download is started. Can it be a problem of ctorrent (which is doing the real torrent DL)?

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