I have installed dropbear SSH on my wl500g according to macsat's tutorial.

Now, when I start a WinSCP connection from my local LAN (user/pass as in the webadmin pages, port 22, no private key file, protocol=SCP only), then I get errormessage:
Error looking for user groups.

Command 'groups'
failed with return code 127 and error message
-sh: groups: not found.
After this error, my session starts and I can work on my files. Sometimes when saving a file to my router, the session gives the same error, but when I confirm with ok, all works (kind of ).

In WinSCP, I can lookup my Server and Protocol information:

Server information
SSH protocol version: SSH-2
SSH implementation: dropbear_0.47
Encryption algorythm: aes
Compression: No
File transfer protocol: SCP

Server host key fingerprint
ssh-rsa 1040 62:6e:1e:a1:...............

Protocol capabilities/information
Can change permissions: Yes
Can change owner/group: Yes/Yes
Can execute arbitrary command: Yes
Can create symlink/hardlink: Yes/Yes
Can lookup user groups: Yes
Can duplicate remote files: Yes
Native text (ASCII) mode transfers: No

Remote unix system information (uname -a)
Linux (none) 2.4.20 #15 Sat Jan 7 20:01:34 MSK 2006 mips unknown

Can anybody tell me how I can prevent the error above?