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Thread: WL-HDD (& Wl500g) guides!

  1. #1
    I have set up a Wiki at
    This contains guides on all sorts of things-
    • Installing Firmware
    • Configuring IPKG
    • SSH
    • VSFTP
    • Samba
    • Adding Users
    • Inserting Hard Disk (WL-HDD)
    • Firewall
    • A few other things- and certainly more to come

    Please check it out and contribute if you can.

  2. #2
    Wow, great Guide, i've made some little fixes.
    But i've some probs

    - I can not connect via FTP always becomes this error
    g:\NEWS>ftp asus
    > FTP: connect :Unbekannte Fehlernummer
    What is a unknown Errornumber?
    there is no process vsftpd - included in xinetd?
    how 2 verify ftp is running?

    - i can connect to the sambashares winXP and can browse the directories
    but i can not create a file
    also if i'm using 'connact as' user share doesn't work

    -wich Oleg's latest firmware do you mean?
    Should i use the WL HDD for the WL500g also or the ?
    I've used the

    any ideas?

  3. #3
    Hi there ralf
    First of all, thanks for your edits on my wiki, there were a couple of mistakes and your input is appreciated!

    VSFTP is part of xinetd.d, however, you do have to create a separate startup script for it.
    This line should appear if you list the running processes (ps -e)
    92 jono 100 S /opt/sbin/xinetd
    (where jono is owner)

    I think the problem is that you have ftp'd 'asus'
    what you should really do is ftp 192.168._._ (i.e. the ip address of your WL-HDD or WL500g.
    Did you actually put an ip address in or did you put asus?

    If this doesnt fix your problem, check the following:

    You should have a vsftpd.conf file in /opt/etc/
    and a vsftpd script in /opt/etc/xinetd.d/ which contains the following code:
    # description: The vsftpd FTP server serves FTP connections.
    # it uses normal, unencrypted usernames and passwords for auth
    service ftp
    disable = no
    socket_type = stream
    user = jono
    server = /opt/sbin/vsftpd
    server_args = /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf
    wait = no
    nice = 10
    only_from =
    Make that file executable (chmod +x vsftp)

    Also, you should make a log file in the following location:
    touch /opt/var/log/vsftpd.log

    If that doesn't work, kill all xinetd processes then:
    ipkg remove xinetd
    ipkg remove vsftpd

    then start from scratch at this guide:

    It seems as if you have not setup correct access rights on samba. In the conf file the share should be as following.

    writeable= yes
    browseable= yes

    Also, you may want to chmod 777 /opt/home/share to make it readable by all users. Once you get it working, change the access rights to something more secure.

    As for Samba with the user 'share':
    Have you tried this guide? I made it today!

    Also, make sure that the samba share is writable by the user 'share'. (chown share directory then chmod 7** directory) *means whatever you want!

    I am using the firmware, however should be fine (and probably better).

    Hope this has solved your problems

  4. #4
    hei sanx,

    after several reinstalls, after halt and all my settings gone, chmod 777 solves that prob.
    Only ftp doesn't work, i didn't need it but... :-)
    The error is now
    ftp> open
    Verbindung mit wurde hergestellt.
    500 OOPS: vsftpd: cannot locate user specified in 'ftp_username':ftp

    -is this the right way to build an Autostart?
    cat /usr/local/sbin/xpost-boot
    # wait for /opt to mount
    mount /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /opt
    while [ $i -le 30 ]
    if [ -d /opt/etc ]
    sleep 1
    i=`expr $i + 1`
    # Activate swap
    swapon /dev/discs/disc0/part2

    # Run all active services - active means starts with S
    /usr/sbin/smbd -D
    /usr/sbin/nmbd -D

  5. #5
    in your /usr/local/sbin/post-boot file, you should have the following:

    # wait for /opt to mount
    mount /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /opt
    while [ $i -le 30 ]
    if [ -d /opt/etc ]
    sleep 1
    i=`expr $i + 1`

    # Activate swap
    swapon /dev/discs/disc0/part2

    # Run all active services - active means starts with S

    Make this file executable!

    You don't normally start samba from the post-boot file (although it should work).
    Instead, its easier to place a file called S97Samba in /opt/etc/init.d and make it executable

    This file should contain the following:
    /usr/sbin/smbd -D -l /opt/var/log/smbd.log -s /opt/etc/samba/smb.conf

    Remember to change those paths if necessary (they point to the log and the configuration file).

    For xinetd:

    Make a file called S10xinetd and make it executable with the following contents:

    # Startup script for xinetd
    # Stop myself if running
    if [ -n "`pidof xinetd`" ]; then
    /bin/killall xinetd 2>/dev/null

    # Stop other inetd processes if running
    if [ -n "`pidof inetd`" ]; then
    /bin/killall inetd 2>/dev/null


    As for the FTP OOPS error, this MIGHT work?

    add this line to the bottom of /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf


    and make that directory:

    mkdir /opt/usr/share/empty

    this is documented in my guide:

    and also now in the troubleshooting section:

    Please let me know if that solution worked or not!

  6. #6
    also, check /opt/etc/init.d/vsftp
    check this line is included:

    user = admin

    change admin if you have changed any usernames on the WL-HDD (it is the username you use to login to the web interface!).
    Also, if you have anonymous ftp enabled, you need to add the user ftp to your passwd file, see this guide here:

    Or even better (and much more secure)
    go to /opt/etc/vsftpd.conf
    and change this line:



    Last edited by jonolumb; 03-01-2006 at 20:07.

  7. #7

    Automatic VSFTPD Install Script

    For anybody interested, I have created a shell script that automatically installs VSFTPD onto your WL-HDD or Wl-500g.
    Documentation is on this guide (my wiki), the script has not yet been tested (I don't want to change any of my settings as everything is currently running smoothly on my WL-HDD) so feedback would be appreciated!


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