I know many think its a useless feature, but i find it very useful and tidy way to get audio to my kitchen without cables.

As suplied by Asus this only works with WMP, which along with windows i never use.

I have written a small app which i call oss_server which listens for connections on a TCP socket, and when found streams audio to the audio device. I have also written (or hacked from another app) a client that takes audio from jack (jack audio connection kit) and sends it to the asus wl500.

I wish to know how to delete waveserver from the asus root filesystem and replace it with my oss_server, also how to make it launch this instead of waveserver when the usb audio dongle is plugged in. I have failed to find any associated scripts and would appreciate any help here.

If anybody is interested in using this stuff feel free, it can all be found here


