Yet another USB hard drive problem
O.K. I've read all the other posts I could find and still have to ask for help.

I'm running my 500g with the Asus firmware v1.7.5.6, the hard drive is a Fujitsu 2.5" 20GByte in a noname USB 2.0 case (no mention of the chip set).

The disk arrived formatted as NTFS and I reformatted it as Fat32 using Partition Magic 8.02 on a winXP box.

Followed Antiloops little tutorial but could not connect using WS-FTP. This is from the log:

Connecting to
Connected to in 0.160230 seconds, Waiting for Server Response
220 Welcome to FTP server.
Host type (1): Automatic detect
USER test
331 Password required for user test.
PASS (hidden)
534 Home directory not found.

Then I went to "Andy99's thread" and tried the advice there.

from Main_AdmStatus_Content.asp I entered "ls /mnt/usbfs/", with the response,

New Folder

which is everything at root level.

What can I try next?