Enable WMM No-Acknowledgement usually is a bad idea to turn on.
it can cause packet drops and confusion among the wireless clients
Thanks - will deactivate it.

afterburner only works for G networks

and frame bursting should only be turned on when less than 3 client's.
It is only me as a client. The other use my old 802.11g-router.

apart from that... it's an early N router, the standard wasn't defined yet so some wifi cards work better than the others.
35Mbit is not too bad for this one tbh, sorry if I disappointed you with that
Well...so I guess for more bandwidth I have to invest a lil more. New router in 5 Ghz band and minipci-card which supports 5 Ghz (just found out that also my bought card only supports 2,4 GHz)....Well, thats how you learn your lesson. 35 Mbit is indeed not that bad but for samba sharing is way too low.

Thanks a lot
