Guys, I've prepared new version of the firmware and the sources for building it.

Differences with previous: Added dropbear ssh daemon (password only auth, ssh v2); busybox & dropbear now use shared uclibc; glibc relinked.
In order to use ssh you will need to perform this steps:
1. Connect to router using telnet;
2. Execute '/init/rc.sshd' - this will generate the dss key
3. If generation was successfull you will need to add /init/rc.sshd to bootCmds using something like 'nvram set bootCmdX=/init/rc.sshd'
4. Commit the changes using 'nvram commit'
5. Reboot the rooter using 'reboot' or run /init/rc.sshd manually

Firmware -
Sources -
