Quote Originally Posted by Maccro View Post
I'd like to be able to turn off the "Air" LED when the radio is off...any idea how to do that?
Sorry, I don't know. I think it is not possible. The air led is blinking when some communication is going on, much like the led of an ethernet card. I don't know of any gpio that can control it.
If you set wlan off in the gui the Asus will start with the air led off, but it seems to me that the wlan in that case is not initialized, and the switch does not work in this setup. But I still experimenting with that.
Nevertheless, the air led will start shining whit wlan switched on, and when you are 'lucky' it will sometimes stop shining when you switch the wlan off.

Bottom line: the blinking Ready led is the only certain sign of the wlan state.
