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Thread: FS issues

  1. #1

    FS issues

    OK, I'm hoping someone is going to help with this.

    I've got a 500Gp and a standard USB2.0 HD.
    I followed all the tutorials, but for some reason the Filesystems are coming up screwy.

    ehci_hcd 01:03.2: USB 2.0 enabled, EHCI 1.00, driver 2003-Dec-29/2.4
    hub.c: USB hub found
    hub.c: 4 ports detected
    usb.c: registered new driver usblp
    printer.c: v0.13: USB Printer Device Class driver
    hub.c: connect-debounce failed, port 1 disabled
    hub.c: new USB device 01:03.2-1, assigned address 2
    usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x67b/0x2506) is not claimed by any active driver------'Just my printer'
    usb.c: registered new driver audio
    audio.c: v1.0.0:USB Audio Class driver
    Linux video capture interface: v1.00
    SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
    Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
    usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
    scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
    Vendor: ST332062 Model: 0A Rev: 3.AA
    Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02
    Attached scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    SCSI device sda: 625142448 512-byte hdwr sectors (320073 MB)
    Partition check:
    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 p2 p3
    WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
    USB Mass Storage device found at 2
    USB Mass Storage support registered.
    eth0: no IPv6 routers present
    vlan0: no IPv6 routers present
    eth1: no IPv6 routers present
    br0: no IPv6 routers present
    vlan1: no IPv6 routers present
    VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sd(8,0).
    MSDOS FS: Using codepage 950
    MSDOS FS: IO charset cp950
    FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
    VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 08:00.
    FAT: freeing iocharset=cp950
    FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
    VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 08:00.
    VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sd(8,1).
    MSDOS FS: Using codepage 950
    MSDOS FS: IO charset cp950
    FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
    VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 08:01.
    FAT: freeing iocharset=cp950
    FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
    VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 08:01.
    kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
    EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on sd(8,2), internal journal
    EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
    EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
    VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sd(8,3).
    MSDOS FS: Using codepage 950
    MSDOS FS: IO charset cp950
    FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
    VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 08:03.
    FAT: freeing iocharset=cp950
    FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
    VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 08:03.
    Adding Swap: 257000k swap-space (priority -1)
    [admin@NFS bin]$

    For the HD Tutorial I did the following

    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 = 256M for SWAP
    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 = 768M for OPT
    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 = 318+ G for share later (unformated)

    Discovered that the partitions work better if formatted in Ext3 (or with -j?)

    so after I find a few more diffs from the original samba tutorial

    1) vs ipkg
    2) wget samba_3.0.28-1_mipsel.ipk

    I thought I had it it, but I guess not!

    For what ever reason when the ipkg install installs the packages it does not write to the mount/filesystem correctly

    The problem is that when I go to start /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba

    > ./S08samba
    Starting nmbd:
    ./S08samba: ./S08samba: 21: /opt/sbin/nmbd: not found
    Starting smbd:
    ./S08samba: ./S08samba: 23: /opt/sbin/smbd: not found

    Whenever I try any files in the /opt/bin or sbin they come up as

    [admin@NFS harddisk]$ ./smbget
    -sh: ./smbget: not found

    I created my own test script, chmod, and it works fine. So I have no idea as to why the other files don't work.

    Not sure if it's related but once the file systems are automounted the don't umount even with -f (may not be related)

    Come on help me out guys! I'm close here and it's killing me!

  2. #2
    Run fsck.
    Make sure your hdd is properly mounted as /opt
    Make sure ipkg is installing to opt.(tutorials have the info on how to change root dir for ipkg)
    ls the dirs on /opt after install to see it.
    If they are there they have to work !

    Check ps to see if anything is running from /opt that might be blocking umount.

  3. #3

    FS Issues

    Thanks, I got one issue resolved when I killed of stupid-ftp I can umount the partition.

    I unmount my Ext3 part used fsck.ext3 on it, then remounted on /opt. I then started the samba tutorial over again. After I install cups I tried it same issue.

    [admin@NFS /bin]$ cd /opt/bin
    [admin@NFS bin]$ ls
    bmp2tiff libpng-config ppm2tiff tiffcp*
    cancel libpng12-config ras2tiff tiffdither*
    cjpeg lp raw2tiff tiffdump*
    cups-config lpoptions rdjpgcom tiffinfo*
    cupstestdsc lppasswd rgb2ycbcr tiffmedian*
    cupstestppd lpq thumbnail tiffset*
    djpeg lpr tiff2bw tiffsplit*
    fax2ps lprm tiff2pdf* wrjpgcom
    fax2tiff lpstat tiff2ps*
    gif2tiff openssl tiff2rgba*
    jpegtran pal2rgb tiffcmp*
    [admin@NFS bin]$ ./cupstestdsc
    -sh: ./cupstestdsc: not found
    [admin@NFS bin]$ mount
    /dev/root on / type squashfs (ro)
    none on /dev type devfs (rw)
    proc on /proc type proc (rw)
    ramfs on /tmp type ramfs (rw)
    usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
    /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 on /opt type ext3 (rw)
    [admin@NFS bin]$

    It's got to be something simple I'm missing.

  4. #4
    Sry dude Im too noobish to guess what might be wrong but you are right it sounds 'simple'. Maybe there is something wrong with packages you are installing ? are u installing them separately or just ipkg samba ?

    But as you are on early stage try using kamikaze. Its more 'future' and there is more howto/wiki stuff for us noobz.

  5. #5
    Give us the output from the 'set' command. I experienced similar problems when I messed around with my LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Try setting it to nothing, if it's set to anything, or to /opt/lib. Also see what's in your /etc/ and /opt/etc/ files.

  6. #6

    FS Issues

    [admin@NFS bin]$ set
    PS1='[\u@\h \W]$ '
    PS2='> '
    PS4='+ '

  7. #7
    OK, so nothing seems wrong in the variables. What about setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and checking if the error occurs again? Or giving us what's in those two files? And another idea would be to show us the output of this command: "ipkg list_installed|grep ucl"

    Although if you haven't gone and modified them there's little chance it has to do with them. But it sure looks like you're experiencing some kind of linker problems...

    Another idea would be that at some point you interrupted the installation of some essential packages in the middle and you may have mixed files (libraries) from two versions. Since those packages are quite seldom updated you may have been left with this. Does this bring up any memories? Did the problems started appearing after an upgrade?

    If you're willing to take the chance, you can try forcing a reinstall of certain packages. Specifically, uclibc and libuclibc++. This is done like this:

    ipkg -force-reinstall -t /opt/tmp install uclibc libuclibc++
    The -t option is used to avoid using /tmp for the temporary files. /tmp is held in RAM and if a package is too big it will be pushed to swap (if you have it) and freeze or crash your system if you don't or it's too small. And even if you have swap, it will make your system very very sluggish. It's a classic gotcha with ipkg, that's why I do all my ipkg upgrade's using /opt/tmp, which is on the removable drive.
    Last edited by wirespot; 11-02-2008 at 16:26.

  8. #8

    FS Issues

    Well after playing with the lib variables and looking at the config files, not seeing anything that I thought was out of the ordinary, I looked back to the ipkg lines you gave me (Thanks Wirespot!!) and that lead me down a new path.

    I didn't have some of the options listed in the ipkg line. I mistaken thought included with the core build was the same as ipk .99.XX it wasn't so I installed the ipkg. install ipkg

    Then when I went though the list for ipkg I found Samba 3.14. Installed it (from fdisk & clean /OPT part) and tested.All depends worked well, Thought Prb was solved. At least I get a different error, finds the /sbin/nmbd and /sbin/smbd files but I get a different error 'bad system call'. So not sure where to go to troubleshoot that (other than -l logfilename which didn't give me much) thinking that maybe it was using the -f option for the package, I tried upgrading back to samba 3.28_1(using the same switches), and it goes back to the same error??

    Looked at the html listing from where I wget the packages from and samba_3.28_1 appears both in the /stable and /unstable tree. Which makes me think it may be broken. Does anyone have this working?(Wirespot?) What about other older /stable packages (3.26a_1) where can I get them?

    Other suggestions/ideas?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Moscow, Russia
    don't use this: install ipkg
    use: install ipkg-opt

  10. #10
    I think it's becoming clear what the problem is: you're trapped partially between moving to a completely working /opt system. I've been there, but it's a confusing place and I can't give you a clear way out.

    There's a moment in between moving from to a completely self-sustained /opt system when you get half-baked combinations like yours. I'm all through, thankfully. For instance, I don't have both ipkg and ipkg-opt, nor uclibc and uclibc-opt. I'm afraid I'm not sure why there are two versions. Transitional packages, anyone?

    OK, so here's my package list:

    adduser - 1.9.0
    autoconf - 2.61
    automake - 1.10
    bash - 3.2.17
    bc - 1.06
    bison - 2.3
    buildroot - 4.1.1
    bzip2 - 1.0.4
    coreutils - 6.9
    cron - 4.1
    cups - 1.3.5
    ddclient - 3.7.3
    diffutils - 2.8.1
    e2fslibs - 1.40.3
    e2fsprogs - 1.40.3
    expat - 2.0.1
    faad2 - 2.5
    file - 4.21
    findutils - 4.2.32
    flex - 2.5.34
    fontconfig - 2.5.0
    freetype - 2.1.10
    gawk - 3.1.6
    gdbm - 1.8.3
    glib - 2.9.6
    gnutls - 1.6.3
    grep - 2.4.2
    groff - 1.19.2
    inetutils - 1.5
    ipkg - 0.99.149
    joe - 3.5
    less - 418
    libart - 2.3.17
    libbt - 1.05
    libcurl - 7.18.0
    libdb - 4.2.52
    libevent - 1.3d
    libgcrypt - 1.2.4
    libgd - 2.0.35
    libjpeg - 6b
    libmad - 0.15.1b
    libogg - 1.1.3
    libpng - 1.2.24
    libsigc++ - 2.0.18
    libstdc++ - 0.2.0
    libtasn1 - 0.3.10
    libtiff - 3.8.2
    libtool - 1.5.24
    libtorrent - 0.12.0
    libuclibc++ - 0.2.2
    libvorbis - 1.1.2
    libxml2 - 2.6.31
    libxslt - 1.1.22
    lighttpd - 1.4.18
    lsof - 4.78
    lynx - 2.8.6
    m4 - 1.4.8
    make - 3.81
    man - 1.6f
    mc - 4.6.1
    ncurses - 5.6
    ncursesw - 5.6
    nload - 0.6.0
    openssh - 4.7p1
    openssl - 0.9.7m
    patch - 2.5.9
    pcre - 7.6
    perl - 5.8.8
    php - 5.2.5
    pkgconfig - 0.15.0
    popt - 1.7
    privoxy - 3.0.8
    readline - 5.2
    rrdtool - 1.2.23
    rsync - 2.6.9
    rtorrent - 0.8.0
    samba2 - 2.2.12
    screen - 4.0.3
    sdparm - 0.99
    sed - 4.1.5
    slang - 2.1.2
    streamripper - 1.62.1
    tar - 1.18
    termcap - 1.3.1
    tor -
    tre - 0.7.5
    unzip - 5.52
    vsftpd - 2.0.5
    which - 2.18
    zlib - 1.2.3
    And here's the package list I follow (and use in /opt/etc/ipkg.conf).

    Try installing ipkg-opt first of all and if that doesn't fix it then get all your packages (ipkg list_installed) one by one and -force-reinstall them. But it's not gonna be nice.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by flogged11 View Post
    Looked at the html listing from where I wget the packages from and samba_3.28_1 appears both in the /stable and /unstable tree. Which makes me think it may be broken. Does anyone have this working?(Wirespot?) What about other older /stable packages (3.26a_1) where can I get them?
    Optware (atleast for Oleg) doesn't really an unstable branch. Unstable is symlinked to stable, so both folders contain exactly the same.

    At the moment, the only way to get an older version is to compile it yourself.(or convince the maintainer of the package that his package has errors, so he can fix it or put back the older version)

    However I guess your problem lies in wrong or missing packages of ipkg-opt and uclibc-opt. These 2 are always the first 2 packages that need to be installed on a clean /opt

    After installing those, you can reinstall all your packages, using the following onliner:

    awk '/^Package:/{system("ipkg install -force-reinstall -force-defaults " $2)}' /opt/lib/ipkg/status

  12. #12

    FS Issues

    Thanks one and all. Once using ipkg-opt, things are much better now . . . .

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