Hello all,

I´m a new user of Olegs (switched from Openwrt). Now I want to use a loop device for /opt:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/harddisk/disk-image count=10000
mke2fs -q /tmp/harddisk/disk-image
mount -o loop  /tmp/harddisk/disk-image /opt
but I get the error-message:
mount: Mounting /dev/loop/0 on /opt failed: Invalid argument

Do I need a additional kernel-module (loop.o) or is it built in the version? I tried the loop.o from Oleg (http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=1757) but I get the insmod message:
insmod: init_module: loop: Input/output error

I´m not a Linux guru, please help
