Quote Originally Posted by particleman View Post
Does anyone know a way to change the listen port range for ctorrent when using YODCTCS? The default port range for enhanced-ctorrent is 2106-2706 but you you were to specify a -p 6881 in the command line of YODCTCS wouldn't all your ctorrent instances try to run on 6881 and not work? Also the -p switch is used for the port yodctcs uses for it's web ui to compound the confusion.

Anyways how would you specify a port range for ctorrent when using yodctcs?
at first a quote from enhanced-ctorrent user's guide:
-p port Listen port. (default 2706 -> 2106)

Specify the TCP port number on which to listen for incoming connections. By default, CTorrent starts at 2706 and searches for an available port in decreasing order until it finds one or exhausts all ports down through 2106. The behavior with this option is similar, but starting at the specified port number.
so the -p option can work.
there is no confusion between the two -p options

you can start dctcs like:
dctcs --ctorrent-args "-p 6881"
dctcs -- -p 6881
or you can set in the config file:
ctorrent-args=-p 6881