Bekijk de volledige versie : Photoalbum from WAN without Kfurge firmware?

03-07-2007, 19:20
Hi fantastic forum.

I am I complete noob to Linux, so I'm not yet considering updating the firmware to kfurges great firmware package.

The problem is, I just can't seem to access my webpage or photoalbum from wan with the present firmware. I tried the firmware, and it worked. Its just that seems to buggy for everyday use. I have read on this forum that there are people working round the problem with kfurges fix, but I don't want to try that (yet).

Is there anyone that's got this working, and if so, how?

Thanks in advance

06-10-2007, 16:06
I can't see your setup but I had similar problem and I resolved it by forwarding on port 8081 from my router to wl700. although you can only access your photoalbum or web site from WAN by http://yourWANip:8081