Bekijk de volledige versie : can anybody post .rtorrent.rc???

25-09-2008, 20:14

I have put rtorrent 0.8.2/0.12.2 on my ASUS, but I think the Download / Upload is very slow and if there is an HashCheck nothing works. And when I restart my Asus every Torrent don't start again and the Tracker send an Message "[Error]".

I think that my .rtorrent.rc is not correct.

Can anybody post his .rtorrent.rc or correct my???

port_range = 56789-56789
port_random = no
directory = /shares/MYVOLUME1/Download
schedule = watch_directory,10,10,load_start=/shares/MYVOLUME1/Download/zzTorrentzz
session = /shares/MYVOLUME1/Download/zzTorrentzz/session
session_on_completion = yes
max_uploads = 200
download_rate = 0
upload_rate = 0
max_peers = 500
min_peers = 10
max_open_files = 65400
max_open_sockets = 65400
encryption = allow_incoming,enable_retry,prefer_plaintext
dht = disable
dht_port = 56789
peer_exchange = no
check_hash = yes
use_udp_trackers = no
schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=50M
scgi_port = localhost:8888
#scgi_port = :9999
ip =
bind =

http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/777/rtorrentdx8.th.jpg (http://img230.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rtorrentdx8.jpg)http://img230.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

04-10-2008, 20:29
I have fixed the Problem!!!

08-11-2008, 12:08
I have fixed the Problem!!!
What manual did you use to set up rtorrent to work on WL-700gE? Moreover I got only rtorrent.conf in /shares/MYVOLUME1/opt/etc (kfurge and no .rtorrent.rc is present on my system. As far as I understand I should modify original rtorrent.conf, rename it in .rtorrent.rc and place it to... Where should I place .rtorrent.rc ?

28-11-2008, 16:57
What manual did you use to set up rtorrent to work on WL-700gE? Moreover I got only rtorrent.conf in /shares/MYVOLUME1/opt/etc (kfurge and no .rtorrent.rc is present on my system. As far as I understand I should modify original rtorrent.conf, rename it in .rtorrent.rc and place it to... Where should I place .rtorrent.rc ?

You must placed it under your Home directory. In my example
opt/etc/Omega24v/rtorrent.rc. You can edit the rc under
sudo nano rtorrent.conf
and save it under