Bekijk de volledige versie : please help me with Ushare

16-09-2007, 19:11
im trying to configure ushare

ive installed ushare 1.03 by using

ipkg install ushare

and edited the conf file to look like this

my Ushare.conf :

# /etc/ushare.conf
# Configuration file for uShare

# uShare UPnP Friendly Name (default is 'uShare').

# Interface to listen to (default is eth0).
# Ex : USHARE_IFACE=eth1

# Port to listen to (default is random from IANA Dynamic Ports range)
# Ex : USHARE_PORT=49200

# Directories to be shared (space or CSV list).
# Ex: USHARE_DIR=/dir1,/dir2

# Use to override what happens when iconv fails to parse a file name.
# The default uShare behaviour is to not add the entry in the media list
# This option overrides that behaviour and adds the non-iconv'ed string into
# the media list, with the assumption that the renderer will be able to
# handle it. Devices like Noxon 2 have no problem with strings being passed
# as is. (Umlauts for all!)
# Options are TRUE/YES/1 for override and anything else for default behaviour

when i execute ushare:


has anyone else ran into this problem?
i thought it could be because of a text editor i was using but i used
and they all gave me the same error.

help will be much appreiciatted

17-09-2007, 06:36
# Options are TRUE/YES/1 for override and anything else for default behaviour

i guess, the syntax error is here,
try to comment this line out or set it as described.

18-09-2007, 11:04
i guess, the syntax error is here,
try to comment this line out or set it as described.

I also have this problem, but i used only vi for ushare.conf edit

i tried to comment it, i tried TRUE/YES/1 values and anyway im getting Syntax error:(

18-09-2007, 18:01
I also have this problem, but i used only vi for ushare.conf edit

i tried to comment it, i tried TRUE/YES/1 values and anyway im getting Syntax error:(

For heaven's sake don't comment out that line!!! Did you read what it does??? You are turning off an error correction mechanism!!!

If you did declare the value of the argument of True/Yes/1 then you are telling ushare that you want to do something (that you will have to declare) with the names that ushare can't understand by default. So by enabling it without declaring how to handle these errors you are introducing more errors! Just leave the argument in the .conf as originally entered without a value. This will then allow ushare to just ignore filenames it doesn't understand (you can fix this later).

Now, as for your other issue, I don't launch ushare as you declared. I simply call ushare directly and point to the config file (ushare -f <.conf file location>).I'll take a peek at my .conf and see if anything else is vastly different.

More to come...

19-09-2007, 12:54
I simply call ushare directly and point to the config file (ushare -f <.conf file location>).I'll take a peek at my .conf and see if anything else is vastly different.

But doesnt it mean if u simple call ushare -d -f /opt/etc/ushare.conf. When u close telnet connection Ushare goes off.
How to keep ushare work without active telnet connection to the box???

I thought if start ushare like: opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare then it will keep work even without telnet connection.But i cant do this way cuz im getting this syntrax errors

19-09-2007, 15:33
I changed the first rule in opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare into #!/opt/bin/bash.


19-09-2007, 16:51
I changed the first rule in opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare into #!/opt/bin/bash.


after i chaget it on #!/opt/bin/bash it keeps saying opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare: not found... the moment i change first rule back on #!/bin/sh, again syntax error:(

19-09-2007, 20:10
try to install bash

ipkg install bash

20-09-2007, 08:37
try to install bash

ipkg install bash

it working! Thank You very much

i added this line '/opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare start' in my rc.local, so no it starts automatically.

But after one problem solved another one came up. Im trying setup uShare to work with my ps3, so i need use key -d (use DLNA for ps3, otherwise i see .mp3 files as unsupported format)
i can start uShare like 'ushare -d -f /opt/etc/ushare.conf' but this way ushare goes off as soon as i close telnet session
if i start ushare trough rc.local like this '/opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare start' Its working, but without DLNA support.

How can i make ushare work with -d key. I think i can change something in S99ushare but i dont know what...

Another thing about ushare.conf i used this option USHARE_OVERRIDE_ICONV_ERR=TRUE to make japanese and chinese letters be visible in file names. Otherwise ushare just skip this kind of files so i cant simply see this files in folders

Btw is it only my problem or you also noticed that the speed of ushare few times slower than default asus media server. I agree that ushare 300% more stable than default media server. But it takes 15 second or so to change mp3 track or 20 second to open .jpg file (about 5mb)

20-09-2007, 13:52
But after one problem solved another one came up. Im trying setup uShare to work with my ps3, so i need use key -d (use DLNA for ps3, otherwise i see .mp3 files as unsupported format)
i can start uShare like 'ushare -d -f /opt/etc/ushare.conf' but this way ushare goes off as soon as i close telnet session
if i start ushare trough rc.local like this '/opt/etc/init.d/S99ushare start' Its working, but without DLNA support.

How can i make ushare work with -d key. I think i can change something in S99ushare but i dont know what...

Everything was so simple

just vi S99ushare and add -d

start() {
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
echo "Warning : $PIDFILE still present. Unclean shutdown ?"
kill -s 9 `cat $PIDFILE` 2>/dev/null
rm -f $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null
echo -n "Starting $DESC... "
echo "done"

im so happy now. after two days fighting with ushare im finally started understand some things:D

21-09-2007, 23:24
Thanks sollie! and yalo! your help is much appreiciatted,
I will write a how-to soon,

thanks again.

22-09-2007, 15:47
i still cant seem to see Mp4 files with the ps3,
does anyone know why?
is it a prob with ps3 or Router?
mp3 work perfect, its much more responsive too.

23-09-2007, 19:01
But doesnt it mean if u simple call ushare -d -f /opt/etc/ushare.conf. When u close telnet connection Ushare goes off.
How to keep ushare work without active telnet connection to the box???

Glad to hear that you got it working; but, I'm confused as to why you think that once you exit out of telnet that ushare would stop working (or why it actually does for you). I've never had that happen for me. Were you not running ushare in server mode?

Anyway, another option you could use is a direct call of the application (like the one mentioned above) in your rc.local script.